disappearing - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disappearing in Hindi
- गायब होना
disappearing Definition
- cease to be visible.
- cease to exist or be in use.
- be lost or go missing; become impossible to find.
disappearing Example
- Tamer shook his head and rose, disappearing into a portal. ( टैमर ने सिर हिलाया और उठकर एक पोर्टल में गायब हो गया। )
- Jonny turned and walked away, disappearing after a few steps. ( जॉनी मुड़ा और चला गया, कुछ कदमों के बाद गायब हो गया। )
- The Watcher Traveled, disappearing from Darian's grip. ( द वॉचर ट्रैवेलेड, डेरियन की पकड़ से गायब हो गया। )
- All the typical swine are further characterized by the fact that the young are longitudinally striped with bands of dark brown and some paler tint; this striped coat disappearing in the course of a few months. ( सभी विशिष्ट सूअरों को इस तथ्य की विशेषता है कि युवा लंबे समय तक गहरे भूरे रंग के बैंड और कुछ हल्के रंग के होते हैं; यह धारीदार कोट कुछ ही महीनों में गायब हो जाता है। )
More Sentence
- He walked farther than she preferred before disappearing into a dark crevice.
- Her penchant for disappearing for days at a time worries her family.
- Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.
- These beautiful birds are fast disappearing.
- The world’s tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought.
- The old class system is slowly disappearing.
- She pondered the mystery of the disappearing thief.
- Jule bristled suddenly, the smile disappearing as his face turned predatory once again.
- He turned and stalked away, disappearing with a puff of cool breeze.
- They are said to be disappearing owing to the use of ardent spirits.
- He moved woodenly to lift the body at her feet and walked away, disappearing into a portal.
- A moment later, Elise darted by with a hand laser in her grip, disappearing between the same buildings.