diplomatic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diplomatic in Hindi

  • राजनयिक
  • कूट-नीतिक
  • कूटनीतिज्ञ
  • नम्र
  • कूटनैतिक
  • दौतिक
  • व्यवहार कुशल
  • नीति संबंधी

diplomatic Definition


  • of or concerning the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations.
  • (of an edition or copy) exactly reproducing an original version.

diplomatic Example

  • Diplomatic relations between the United States and Britain ( संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका और ब्रिटेन के बीच राजनयिक संबंध )
  • In the study were four gentlemen of the diplomatic corps. ( अध्ययन में राजनयिक कोर के चार सज्जन थे। )
  • The diplomatic corps and the Emperor himself were to be present. ( राजनयिक वाहिनी और सम्राट को स्वयं उपस्थित होना था। )
  • Never did the diplomatic talents of the prince of Orange shine brighter than at this difficult crisis. ( इस कठिन संकट की तुलना में ऑरेंज के राजकुमार की कूटनीतिक प्रतिभा कभी चमकीली नहीं हुई। )

More Sentence

  • And, apart from their value as historical documents, Gentz's writings are literary monuments, classical examples of nervous and luminous German prose, or of French which is a model for diplomatic style.
  • Opinions were much divided in ancient times as to the personal character of Maecenas; but the testimony as to his administrative and diplomatic ability was unanimous.
  • It was a diplomatic answer, and Julie was mollified.
  • Nixon was not shielded by the diplomatic achievement.
  • The trick was going to be very diplomatic with him now.
  • In the study were four gentlemen of the diplomatic corps.
  • For that matter, he deserved a little diplomatic stroking.
  • The diplomatic and military consequences could also be dire.
  • They had proposed only sanctions and diplomatic condemnation.
  • So, asked Jim, how long have you been in the diplomatic.
  • He held the mike and delivered a very same old diplomatic answer.
  • She could tell he was thinking of the most diplomatic thing to say.
  • He was continually employed on diplomatic errands until 1455, when, owing apparently to ill-health, he received apartments in the palace of the counts of Hainaut at Salle-le-Comte, Valenciennes, with a con siderable pension, on condition that the recipient should put in writing "choses nouvelles et morales," and a chronicle of notable events.
  • The Histoire de la Louisiane, et de la cession de colonie par la France aux EtatsUnis (Paris, 1829; in English, Philadelphia, 1830) by Barbe-Marbois has great importance in diplomatic history.
  • Government was maintained under the Cuban flag, - the diplomatic and consular relations with even the United States remaining in outward forms unchanged; and the regular forms of the constitution were scrupulously maintained so far as possible.
  • That was a very diplomatic way of putting it
  • A diplomatic transcription