dinner - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dinner in Hindi
- रात का खाना
- डिनर
- खाना
- दोपहर का खाना
- मध्याह्नकालीन भोज
- ज्योनार
- प्रतिभोज
- रात्रिभोज
- रात का भोजन
- भोजन
- सायं-भोजन
- सामाजिक भोज
- खाना खाना
- दोपहर का खाना खाना
dinner Definition
- the main meal of the day, taken either around midday or in the evening.
dinner Example
- Dinner will be ready at six O'clock. ( छह बजे डिनर तैयार हो जाएगा। )
- "We here in Moscow are more occupied with dinner parties and scandal than with politics," said he in his quiet ironical tone. ( "हम यहाँ मास्को में राजनीति की तुलना में डिनर पार्टियों और घोटाले में अधिक व्यस्त हैं," उन्होंने अपने शांत विडंबनापूर्ण स्वर में कहा। )
- Out flight was early so we had time for dinner on the way from the airport. ( बाहर की उड़ान जल्दी थी इसलिए हमारे पास हवाई अड्डे से रास्ते में रात के खाने का समय था। )
- We were having an early dinner. ( हम जल्दी खाना खा रहे थे। )
More Sentence
- Dinner is ready, she said.
- John 21:12 Come and have dinner.
- Then for dinner, I thought we.
- In the kitchen, she made dinner.
- It was a quite dinner actually.
- After dinner, the lights were.
- I had dinner here last week.
- Paul was invited to dinner at Mr.
- Steve nearly threw up his dinner.
- He washed and dressed for dinner.
- I like my dinner to fight me.
- Carmen and Alex hosted Thanksgiving Dinner for all the family they had in Arkansas.
- Jane, our GPS, as Betsy named her, didn't let us down and we found our friend's cabin at the end of a dusty road, hungry for dinner after a six hour drive.
- The dinner proceeded in silence, and every slight remark was a presage of storm.
- At the end of the dinner Dolby was eager to introduce me to the game and show me what he could do.
- At noon we camped, and cooked a bite of dinner while the horses grazed; ate it, and went on again.
- I talk well; and when I have guests at dinner I prefer to do all the talking myself.
- It was a happy, if a trifle hysterical little dinner party that evening at Mainsail Haul.
- By the time that dinner was served they were all in the most friendly humor possible and ready to enjoy the least excuse for laughter.
- Lawrence found the prisoner they had taken shaking with terror, for some of the men had coolly informed him that after dinner he was to be hanged.
- I have many a time had my pot of porter snipped off of my dinner in this way; and have had to dine with dry lips.
- Alex took them all to dinner to celebrate the birth.
- "I'll make it a dinner dish," said Jim.
- "I wish to get a fowl for to-morrow's dinner," he said.
- She'd automatically made enough dinner for three after cooking for Kyle and Jonny for three months.