die down - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of die down in Hindi

  • धीरे धीरे मरना
  • ग़ायब हो जाना
  • मिटना
  • नष्ट होना
  • शांत होना
  • चुप हो जाना

die down Definition

 phrasal verb

  • to gradually become less strong

die down Example

  • When they die down in autumn, the leaves should be placed loosely over the crowns, with their stems on top to prevent them being blown away by the wind." ( जब वे शरद ऋतु में मर जाते हैं, तो पत्तियों को ताज के ऊपर ढीले ढंग से रखा जाना चाहिए, उनके तनों को हवा से उड़ाए जाने से रोकने के लिए शीर्ष पर रखा जाना चाहिए।" )
  • Most die down to ground level in the autumn, some go back to a woody rootstock.( अधिकांश शरद ऋतु में जमीनी स्तर पर मर जाते हैं, कुछ वापस एक लकड़ी के रूटस्टॉक में चले जाते हैं। )
  • Anger didn't vanish, but it did die down. ( गुस्सा कम नहीं हुआ, लेकिन वह मर गया। )

More Sentence

  • After the alarms die down, Sino-American relations may get back on track.
  • The machine then presses the die down on the fabric, cuts through the fabric, and unloads the machine.
  • No doubt, after a time, the idea of using violence to achieve a political object might die down, as the practice of duelling has done.
  • On having been once set up, they either continue in sufficient force to maintain action, or they die down, and become too weak to cause further action, and perhaps even to be perceived within the mind, until they receive an accession of vibration from without.
  • On having been once set up, they either continue in sufficient force to maintain action, or they die down, and become too weak to cause further action, and perhaps even to be perceived within the mind, until they receive an accession of vibration from without.
  • Then again a soft cloud of spray would spread over everything, and in the middle of it a fountain would spring up and flash its coloured light, which the spray reflected in softened tones and mingled with rainbows; then the fountain would die down, and another of a different colour would rise suddenly in its place.
  • The stems and foliage die down in winter leaving a stout taproot.
  • They'll die down there in the grass, said the third lawyer, whose name I forget.
  • After ripening of the seed, the leafless flowering culms always die down.