diamond - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of diamond in Hindi

  • हीरा
  • हीरक
  • विषमकोण
  • शीशा काटने का हीरा
  • तिर्यग्वर्ग
  • काला रंग
  • डायमंड
  • ईंट का पत्ता


  • हीरे का
  • हीरे से बना हुआ
  • विषमकोण के रूप का

diamond Definition


  • a precious stone consisting of a clear and colorless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance.
  • a figure with four straight sides of equal length forming two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles; a rhombus.

diamond Example

  • A diamond ring ( एक हीरे की अंगूठी )
  • Decorative diamond shapes ( सजावटी हीरे के आकार )
  • A diamond is the hardest, most resilient, most beautiful gem of all. ( हीरा सबसे कठोर, सबसे लचीला, सबसे सुंदर रत्न है। )
  • Inside sparkled a diamond choker with an unusually worn, plain charm of a half-sun, half-moon pierced by an arrow. ( अंदर एक हीरे का गला घोंटने वाला एक असामान्य रूप से पहना हुआ, अर्ध-सूर्य का सादा आकर्षण, एक तीर द्वारा छेदा गया आधा-चाँद। )

More Sentence

  • Then the wizard opened a drawer and took from it a lovely necklace with a diamond clasp.
  • All these varieties are very hard, falling little short of the diamond in this respect.
  • When it caught the light of the moon, it twinkled like a diamond set by an open fire.
  • We never believed that Diamond Boart was acting for De Beers.
  • The 0 denotes the red, diamond shaped symbol which is here sometimes given in fanciful forms.
  • The sun has its spots, the diamond its flaws, and perfection itself its little weak points.
  • He laughed with the others when one received $50 on a diamond ring that cost two hundred.
  • The diamond and ruby ring proclaims him the world supermiddleweight champion.
  • Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Sharon Stone, Neil Diamond.
  • Even opening for the relatively mellow Neil Diamond had its hazards.
  • Diamond is chairman of the newsprint committee of the publishers group.
  • The density of the diamond is 3.5, and, though brittle, it is one of the hardest of substances.
  • The jeweler said it is the most perfect diamond he has ever seen.
  • Going down on one knee, he fished in his shirt pocket and came out with a diamond engagement ring.
  • above the sea, Diamond Head, a crater about 760 ft.
  • She led a losing diamond