designate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of designate in Hindi
- नामित
- नामोद्दिष्ट
- पदांकित करना
- नामोद्दिष्ट करना
- अभिहित करना
- नियुक्त करना
- वर्णन करना
- लक्षित करना
- लक्षण बतलाना
- स्वभाव बतलाना
- नियत करना
- निर्वाचन करना
- सूचित करना
- चिह्नित करना
- निशान करना
designate Definition
- appoint (someone) to a specified position.
- appointed to an office or position but not yet installed.
designate Example
- The Director designate ( निदेशक मनोनीत )
- We made sure to designate a sober driver, because we knew that by the end of the night everyone would be stone drunk. ( हमने एक शांत चालक को नामित करना सुनिश्चित किया, क्योंकि हम जानते थे कि रात के अंत तक हर कोई पत्थर के नशे में होगा। )
- Make sure to designate a place to meetup in case of a fire, so all family members know where to find each other. ( आग लगने की स्थिति में मिलने के लिए जगह निर्दिष्ट करना सुनिश्चित करें, ताकि परिवार के सभी सदस्य एक-दूसरे को ढूंढ सकें। )
- At the meeting they decided to designate Frank as the head of the sales department because Katie no longer wanted the job. ( बैठक में उन्होंने फ्रैंक को बिक्री विभाग के प्रमुख के रूप में नामित करने का फैसला किया क्योंकि केटी अब नौकरी नहीं चाहती थी। )
More Sentence
- We have designated people who are supposed to be carrying us.
- There seems to be more awareness of having a designated driver.
- Confidently designate the American League East and speed to another issue.
- Designate a command center or else the planning will get confused,
- A donor's family can designate them as the recipient.
- The dative is used to designate an addressee. The dative is also used to show an object towards which an action is directed.
- Senior company leaders should designate a project manager who will be responsible for its execution.
- You might also want to designate a quiet, private space where you can dim the lights and play your favorite relaxing music.
- Moreover, religious moral precepts designate legal from illegal, right from wrong, in society.
- Mississippi game laws designate which species are classified as furbearer and which as game animal.
- The Houston Rockets, meanwhile, are perfecting the designated hero.
- For safety reasons, they have to fly along designated routes.
- It's difficult to see designate in a sentence .
- We argue the merits of video replay instead of designated hitter.
- Most of Route 128 is also designated as I-95.
- Fort Worth has been designated one of the 40 voting sites.
- We suggest that you designate a quiet place in your house where you can study without being interrupted.
- Although they claimed that they would designate the money for emergency purposes, it was later demonstrated that the money had been wasted.