depressing - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of depressing in Hindi
- दबाकर
- निराशाजनक
- उदास
- निराश
- बेदिल
- कष्टमय
- निराशात्मक
- कष्टदायक
- निराशामय
- झुकाव
- अपकर्ष
- पतन
- घसका
- पस्ती
depressing Definition
- causing or resulting in a feeling of miserable dejection.
depressing Example
- I'm not overly anxious to get back on that depressing ship. ( मैं उस निराशाजनक जहाज पर वापस जाने के लिए अत्यधिक उत्सुक नहीं हूं। )
- Oh. I suppose the atmosphere is a little depressing around here right now. ( ओह। मुझे लगता है कि अभी यहाँ का माहौल थोड़ा निराशाजनक है। )
- He wished to sleep, but he knew he would not be able to and that most depressing thoughts came to him in bed. ( वह सोना चाहता था, लेकिन वह जानता था कि वह नहीं कर पाएगा और बिस्तर पर उसके पास सबसे निराशाजनक विचार आए। )
- The students came to the depressing conclusions that. ( छात्र निराशाजनक निष्कर्ष पर पहुंचे कि। )
More Sentence
- How depressing and totally mind blowing is that? It.
- The depressing impression was my conversation with A.
- Emotional sharing was fun, but perhaps too depressing.
- I tried to smile, in spite of these depressing notions.
- In my defense though it was getting really depressing.
- The trial actually was growing more depressing each week.
- Houses of mourning so depressing because you never know.
- Dean spent the balance of Friday wading through paperwork, a chore made more depressing than usual because yesterday's drizzle had given birth to a storybook spring day.
- It was depressing to realize that old hatreds were so long-lived.
- I start to say that, when something very depressing occurs to me.
- What depressing examples of re-hashed, over-familiar, hoary old.
- Why am I telling you this depressing story? Because I don't want.
- Unfortunately most of the news is bad, depressing and sensational.
- She could see this squabble was having a depressing effect on her.
- Physostigmine, the active principle of the Calabar bean, acts chiefly as a stimulant to voluntary and involuntary muscles, and at the same time exercises a depressing effect upon the spinal cord.
- After absorption their action, speaking generally, is exerted on the brain and spinal cord, and is at first slightly stimulant and afterwards depressing, even to the causing of sleepiness and stupor.
- It's relentlessly depressing and grim until the predictable end.
- But it is so utterly pointless that it is finally depressing.
- Reality can be very depressing when you see it with perspective,
- For a moment the idea seemed confusing, perhaps even depressing.
- It's a depressing, expensive sign of our times.
- The late'70s were a depressing time in San Francisco.
- At times, listening to young people talk is downright depressing.
- That is depressing news, of course, for takeover speculators.
- Small doses of any of them dilate the blood vessels from an action on the vaso-motor centre in the medulla oblongata, as a result of which the heart beats more rapidly and the blood circulates more freely; but larger doses have a general depressing effect upon the circulatory system.
- More depressing news filled the paper; a drive-by shooting in Dorchester, a knifing at a Boston bus stop and a baby abandoned in a rest room at Logan Airport.
- This mixture burns with a green flame forming boron trioxide; whilst boron is deposited on passing the gas mixture through a hot tube, or on depressing a cold surface in the gas flame.