deplete - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deplete in Hindi
- व्यय करना
- खलाना
- चूस लेना
- व्यय करना
- क्षीण बनाना
- कमज़ोर बनाना
- पूरा पूरा चूस लेना
- उंडेलना
- ख़ाली करना
- खाली करना
- रिक्त करना
- कम कर देना समाप्त करना
deplete Definition
- use up the supply or resources of.
deplete Example
- The continued depletion of our ozone may cause terrible destruction to our planetIf we continue to deplete our natural resources, our children will pay the price. ( हमारे ओजोन की निरंतर कमी हमारे ग्रह के लिए भयानक विनाश का कारण बन सकती है यदि हम अपने प्राकृतिक संसाधनों को समाप्त करना जारी रखते हैं, तो हमारे बच्चे इसकी कीमत चुकाएंगे। )
- Fans were coming up in the break to rapidly deplete the pile. ( ढेर को तेजी से खाली करने के लिए पंखे ब्रेक में आ रहे थे। )
- Wind energy does not pollute the environment or deplete resources. ( पवन ऊर्जा पर्यावरण को प्रदूषित नहीं करती है या संसाधनों को नष्ट नहीं करती है। )
- Boiling can deplete the meat of some of its flavor if overcooked. ( उबालने से मांस का कुछ स्वाद खराब हो सकता है अगर इसे ज्यादा पकाया जाए। )
More Sentence
- When we continually cut down forests, we are choosing to deplete one of our greatest resources.
- The company will be in ruins if we deplete our financial resources.
- My wife’s numerous shopping sprees are starting to deplete our family bank account.
- If the lads deplete their water supply, they will not be able to make it out of the desert.
- During the summer, it is not unusual for us to deplete our supply of ice.
- As coal and other natural resources continue to deplete, scientists and researchers have found ways to harness renewable sources of energy to provide electricity to people all over the world.
- Similarly, too much calcium will deplete magnesium, and so on.
- ascorbic acid at high intake levels may deplete calcium, magnesium and potassium.
- Once you deplete the balance, it may be possible to reload the card with more money, depending on the terms of that particular card.
- The room was depleted of its furniture.
- Both teams were severely depleted by injuries.
- Extravagant spending soon depleted her funds.
- The drought has depleted their supply of water.
- Our supplies of food are rather depleted.
- The company has depleted its reserves to make the purchase.
- The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.
- Measures have been taken to protect the world's depleted elephant population.
- To protect the ozone layer by taking precautionary measures to control global emissions of substances which deplete it.
- As soon as you deplete your balance entirely, your card will stop working until you reload it.
- Even the first Kruls (wolf-looking bi-ped thingies) I thought would be training enemies, but they managed to deplete my hit points to half.