depart - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of depart in Hindi

  • रवाना होना


  • रवाना
  • विदा करना
  • रवाना होना
  • रवाना करना
  • प्रयाण करना
  • प्रस्थान करना
  • चला जाना
  • कूच करना
  • बिदाई लेना
  • बिदा होना
  • विदा होना
  • विचलित होना
  •  मरना
  • मर जाना
  • परलोक सिधारना
  • दम टूटना
  • बचना
  • बच जाना
  • बाज़ रहना
  • डिगना
  • डिग जाना
  • बच निकलना
  • जाना
  • हटना
  • चले जाना

depart Definition


  • leave, especially in order to start a journey.

depart Example

  • But Rehoboam refused to depart from Solomon's despotic rule, and was tactless enough to send Adoniram, the overseer of the corvee. ( परन्तु रहूबियाम ने सुलैमान के निरंकुश शासन से विदा होने से इनकार कर दिया, और वह इतना चतुर था कि वह अदोनीराम को भेज सके, जो कोरवी का अध्यक्ष था।  )
  • The three modes of the universal before things, in things, and after things, spring from Arabian influence, but depart somewhat from his standpoint.( चीजों से पहले, चीजों में और चीजों के बाद सार्वभौमिक के तीन तरीके, अरब प्रभाव से निकलते हैं, लेकिन अपने दृष्टिकोण से कुछ हद तक विचलित होते हैं। )
  • Thence, on the 6th of July, he was permitted to depart for Siena, where he spent several months in the house of the archbishop, Ascanio Piccolomini, one of his numerous and trusty friends. ( वहां से, 6 जुलाई को, उन्हें सिएना के लिए प्रस्थान करने की अनुमति दी गई, जहां उन्होंने आर्कबिशप, एस्कानियो पिकोलोमिनी, उनके कई और भरोसेमंद मित्रों में से एक के घर में कई महीने बिताए। )
  • It is not my practice to let those who have come to me as guests depart hungry and thirsty. ( जो मेरे पास मेहमान बनकर आए हैं, उन्हें भूखे-प्यासे जाने देना मेरी आदत नहीं है। )

More  Sentence

  • My advice to you is to wind a smile round your neck and depart with the dollars.
  • Nor need we really depart from our time-honoured principle of neutrality in religious matters.
  • In the morning they did not depart until after the arrival of the train from Syracuse.
  • Impatiently she waved her hand, and as impatiently did Mezrimbi depart from her presence.
  • He had been one to depart and return with Dunois, and we looked eagerly to him for explanation.
  • If others had chosen to depart as do those who run away, they had shown ignorance of this Kibei.
  • After a time I rose to depart and asked the man who acted as cook how much there was to pay.
  • Mark had been handed his dispatches, and was about to depart when General Frost was announced.
  • Then, father, get you hence, depart in time, Least being knowne you suffer for the crime.
  • On this issue, the approach departs from conventional methodologies which require calculation or elimination of the constraint forces.
  • The outcomes consequently departed from the original design and differed from country to country, with very mixed results.
  • In departing from dominant narrative order, fun enables a riotous panoply of pleasures.
  • A plane represents relative stability, whereas diagonal forces store up tension, particularly in departing from the horizontal.
  • As the conference dragged interminably onward and no progress seemed possible, many of the more prominent figures departed.
  • In so doing, the focus of this study departs quite markedly from much prior research on clarification requests.
  • This wn followed by Godoys return to power, though he left the depart ment of foreign affairs to a subordinate.
  • The Caucasian ibex (C. caucasica), or tur, is a wholly fox-coloured animal, in which the horns are still flatter in front, and thus depart yet further from the ibex type.