dental - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dental in Hindi

  • दंत चिकित्सा
  • दन्त
  • दन्त्य
  • दांतों संबंधी
  • दांत से संबंधित


  • दंत्य
  • दांत का

dental Definition


  • relating to the teeth.
  • (of a consonant) pronounced with the tip of the tongue against the upper front teeth (as th ) or the alveolar ridge (as n, d, t ).


  • a dental consonant.

dental Example

  • Dental councils ( दंत चिकित्सा परिषद )
  • A piece of cotton wool soaked in strong carbolic acid will relieve the pain of dental caries, but is useless in other forms of toothache. ( मजबूत कार्बोलिक एसिड में भिगोया हुआ रूई का एक टुकड़ा दंत क्षय के दर्द से राहत देगा, लेकिन दांत दर्द के अन्य रूपों में बेकार है। )
  • The University of Tennessee, located mainly at Knoxville, has at Nashville its medical and dental departments. ( नैशविले में मुख्य रूप से नॉक्सविले में स्थित टेनेसी विश्वविद्यालय के चिकित्सा और दंत चिकित्सा विभाग हैं। )
  • The difference in formation between s and s is that the former is dental or alveolar, the latter is produced farther back and has .at least two varieties. ( s और s के बीच गठन में अंतर यह है कि पूर्व दंत या वायुकोशीय है, बाद वाला आगे पीछे उत्पन्न होता है और इसकी कम से कम दो किस्में होती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • I have to go for a dental check.
  • Dental care was free in the 60s.
  • You can get free dental treatment.
  • The dental surgeon disinfected dental instruments with alcohol.
  • A kind of vulcanite which contains a large proportion of vermilion or other mineral pigment is used, under the name of dental rubber, for making artificial gums and supports for artificial teeth.
  • The dental formula varies from 1, c. $, 3 (total 28) in the hares and rabbits to i
  • Although showing some dental characters approximating to the porcupines, these rodents are regarded as allied to the Castoridae, although forming an isolated type.
  • The sound was that of the unvoiced dental stop. The English t, however, is not dental but alveolar, being pronounced, as d also, not by putting the tongue against the teeth but against their sockets.
  • The dental office is running a special where you get a free teeth cleaning and 20 percent off any other tooth-related services.  
  • Dental decay can be caused by eating too many sweets and not brushing your teeth afterward.  
  • The dental hygienist is in charge of assisting the dentist in the cleaning of the patients’ teeth before other work is done.  
  • We Are An Overmedicated Society: Deepak Chopra And Dr. Gary Small Talk Drugs And Booze
  • Possibly the European forms, in which the dental formula has been given as i., c. S, p, m.
  • The skull is short, with a dental formula of c. °, p.1.
  • StMarylebone contains a great number of hospitals, among which are the Middlesex, Mortimer Street; Throat Hospital and Dental Hospital and School, Great Portland Street; Lying-in and Ophthalmic Hospitals, Marylebone Road; Samaritan Hospital for women, Seymour Street; Consumption Hospital, Margaret Street; and the Home for incurable children, St John's Wood Road.
  • dental health