delayed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of delayed in Hindi
- विलंबित
- देरी से
- विलंब किया हुआ
- समय बिता हुआ
- देर किया हुआ
delayed Definition
- of or pertaining to a particle, as a neutron or alpha particle, that is emitted from an excited nucleus formed in a nuclear reaction, the emission occurring some time after the reaction is completed
delayed Example
- The final secularization was delayed till 1819. ( अंतिम धर्मनिरपेक्षता को 1819 तक विलंबित किया गया था। )
- A blowing snow storm delayed our flight north. ( एक बर्फीले तूफान ने उत्तर की ओर हमारी उड़ान में देरी की। )
- The delayed conversation indicated he was talking on the telephone. ( देर से हुई बातचीत ने संकेत दिया कि वह टेलीफोन पर बात कर रहा था। )
More Sentence
- Become belligerent on the phone and you may find that your delivery may arrive faster this time, but the next could be "unavoidably" delayed, or the vendor has found a more suitable customer to replace you, leaving you hanging out to dry.
- Charles's departure from Saxony was delayed for twelve months by a quarrel with the emperor.
- The unrest in Zululand delayed action being taken on the commission's report.
- The pair was further delayed securing a rental car, and it was after 5:00 by the time the two tired travelers pulled away from the airport grounds.
- On his release he had promised he would maintain the treaty of Arras and withdraw from the Netherlands; but he delayed his departure for nearly a year and took part in a punitive campaign against his captors and their allies.
- We delayed a decision until we'd discussed our shutting down with the others.
- He smiled up at her and delayed telling her about the call.