defiance - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of defiance in Hindi

  • अवज्ञा
  • ललकार
  • चुनौती
  • आज्ञा न मानना
  • आज्ञा का उल्लंघन करना
  • डेफ़िएंस

defiance Definition


  • open resistance; bold disobedience.

defiance Example

  • the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings ( आधिकारिक चेतावनियों की अवहेलना में प्रदर्शन आयोजित किया गया था )
  • Despite her defiance, her voice shook. ( उसके विरोध के बावजूद, उसकी आवाज कांप उठी। )
  • There was challenge and defiance in her gaze. ( उसकी निगाहों में चुनौती और अवज्ञा थी। )
  • Aggravated by her second display of defiance in one night, he crossed to her and planted his hands on either side of her chair, demanding her attention. ( एक रात में उसके दूसरे विरोध प्रदर्शन से परेशान होकर, वह उसके पास गया और उसकी कुर्सी के दोनों ओर हाथ रख दिया, उसका ध्यान मांगा। )

More Sentence

  • The leading British ship, the "Defiance" (74), carrying the flag of Rear-Admiral Graves, anchored just south of the Trekroner.
  • The blatant defiance was so sweetly uttered, he didn't know how to respond.
  • In defiance of the law a gymnasium was set up under the shadow of the citadel.
  • She braced herself into the corner of the carriage and fairly hurled her defiance at him.
  • Once or twice he had saved himself by implicitly acting on them in apparent defiance of reason.
  • Did he guess that her pride and defiance had by this time reached high-water mark?
  • What policy can there be found in arrangements made in defiance of every political principle?
  • He secured a new view on his play, also, with its accusing defiance of dramatic law and custom.
  • With a final growl of defiance Jan left the stable, but he carried with him a new sense of power.
  • Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I see the lords of human kind pass by.
  • The huge red letters, thrown out like a defiance and a challenge, caused a sensation in the Road.
  • One way is by stout-hearted defiance of God, and ignoring of Conscience altogether.
  • Happy they who can flash defiance from bright eyes and snowy shoulders back into the pendants of the insolent lustres!
  • The polity of the new community, often founded in defiance of the home authorities, might either be a copy of that just left behind or be its direct political antithesis.
  • His reign was marked by a troublesome war with the Paulician heretics, an inheritance from his predecessor; the death of their able chief Chrysochir led to the definite subjection of this little state, of which the chief stronghold was Tephrice on the upper Euphrates, and which the Saracens had helped to bid a long defiance to the government of Constantinople.
  • In defiance of treaties, however, the Porte continued to change the hospodars almost yearly and to exact extraordinary installation presents.
  • The accusation against him was that he had written in contravention of the decree of 1616, and in defiance of the command of the Holy Office communicated to him by Cardinal Bellarmin; and his defence consisted mainly in a disavowal of his opinions, and an appeal to his good intentions.