deep -freeze - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deep -freeze in Hindi

  • फ्रीज़र
  • हिमीकरण करना

deep -freeze Definition


  • a refrigerated cabinet or room in which food can be quickly frozen and kept for long periods at a low temperature.


  • store (something) in a deep freeze.

deep -freeze Example

  • His brows lifted and his chuckle was deep and warm. ( उसकी भौंहें उठ गईं और उसकी हंसी गहरी और गर्म थी। )
  • Lumley watched him intently till he had satisfied himself that he had fallen into a deep sleep. ( लुमली ने उसे तब तक गौर से देखा जब तक कि वह संतुष्ट नहीं हो गया कि वह गहरी नींद में सो गया है। )
  • She embraced him convulsively; no other sound was to be heard but a deep sobbing. ( उसने आक्षेप से उसे गले लगा लिया; कोई और आवाज नहीं सुनी जानी थी, लेकिन एक गहरी चीख थी। )
  • It evinced a deep and settled abhorrence of crime, and an inflexible determination to punish it. ( इसने अपराध के प्रति एक गहरी और स्थायी घृणा और इसे दंडित करने के लिए एक अनम्य दृढ़ संकल्प को प्रदर्शित किया।) 

More Sentence

  • A smile not for him, evidently, but the reflection of some deep and inscrutable thought.
  • It was very deep, and there was no way to climb out of it.
  • But the theatre can and has played many other, deeper, and more important roles in the quest for authentic democracy.
  • At the physiological level, both depressive symptoms and deficits in deep memory processes may be associated with decreased prefrontal metabolism.
  • These are very deep questions to which there are no straightforward answers.
  • We should reflect on this, because it is a very deep and important point.
  • While it may be conducive to bean growth, deep hoeing may be detrimental to bananas or other perennials associated with the trees.
  • Further, one would also predict that these regions ultimately receive input from deep receptors in the muscles and joints.
  • So, it appears that the turnover time in deep horizons is shorter in forest than in savanna.
  • A deep voice spoke from behind her.
  • He got up, thrusting his hands deep into his pockets, and leant against the wall.
  • My companion was intently gazing, not at the maiden troop, but at the deep festoons above us.
  • The result, though not unwholesome, was of a deep brown colour, and hardly palatable.
  • And she sighed so deeply that I felt a deep passion indeed must have exhaled that sigh.
  • Howie took a deep breath and began.
  • Then the boy returned to one of the upper rooms, and in spite of the hardness of the glass bench was soon deep in slumberland.