decorative - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of decorative in Hindi
- सजावटी
- आलंकारिक
- गजरे
- सज्जा-कला
decorative Definition
- serving to make something look more attractive; ornamental.
decorative Example
- In his last pictures he was quite broad and decorative in style, but less convincing. ( अपने अंतिम चित्रों में वे शैली में काफी चौड़े और सजावटी थे, लेकिन कम आश्वस्त करने वाले थे। )
- Together with a chapter on the History and Decorative Value of the Vines. ( साथ में दाखलताओं के इतिहास और सजावटी मूल्य पर एक अध्याय के साथ। )
- They will also serve to indicate the kind of plant-forms that should be chosen for decorative purposes. ( वे सजावटी उद्देश्यों के लिए चुने जाने वाले पौधों के प्रकार को इंगित करने के लिए भी काम करेंगे। )
- This is a new design for arranging the stars so that they shall be easier to count and more decorative in effect. ( यह तारों को व्यवस्थित करने के लिए एक नया डिज़ाइन है ताकि उन्हें गिनना आसान हो और प्रभाव में अधिक सजावटी हो। )
More Sentence
- For decorative purposes you might add a whirligig or a windsock.
- Wealthier families have their tombs painted or covered in decorative tiles.
- -- Decorative trims ( daisies, lace, bows ).
- The most distinctive type of decorative coverlet was the Crazy Quilt.
- And I got thrown out of the School of Decorative Arts.
- Clearly, these are not your standard, decorative Bond babes.
- Decorative sewing was done to impress the men who came courting.
- Finally, our mistrust of the decorative gets in the way.
- But there are other utterances of ornament, and other general expressions which decorative forms convey to the mind.
- Many illustrations contain original text, either within the picture itself or as a decorative caption below.
- There was a seduction in the desert winds, in the low-vaulted skies with their decorative schemes of constellations.
- The oar looked as if it were waiting to be properly hung on the wall as a decorative trophy, which indeed it was.
- A comparison of the two canopies will mark for us the advance in decorative art between the thirteenth and the early sixteenth centuries.
- The ripening pods of many species add a striking, decorative quality to the tree from midsummer on through the season.
- To me, the style appears to owe its very weakness to this fact, for decorative art should be wholly ideal.
- a decorative artist
- the outside of the building is functional rather than decorative