deccan - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of deccan in Hindi

  • डेक्कन

deccan Definition


  • the entire peninsula of India S of the Narmada River.
  • a plateau region in S India between the Narmada and Krishna rivers.

deccan Example

  • The Western Ghats block southwest monsoon winds from reaching the Deccan Plateau. ( पश्चिमी घाट दक्षिण-पश्चिम मानसूनी हवाओं को दक्कन के पठार तक पहुँचने से रोकते हैं। ) 
  • "' Bhognalli "'is a village situated in the Deccan Plateau of India. ( "'भोगनल्ली'' भारत के दक्कन के पठार में स्थित एक गाँव है। )
  • It also grows well in the black soil of the Deccan plateau. ( यह दक्कन के पठार की काली मिट्टी में भी अच्छी तरह से उगता है। )
  • Geographically, the district lies in the tract of the Deccan Plateaus. ( भौगोलिक रूप से, जिला दक्कन के पठारों के क्षेत्र में स्थित है। )

More Sentence

  • Telangana and non coastal parts of Karnataka and Maharashtra states form Deccan Plateau.
  • He expanded his territory south of the Vindhya Range into the Deccan Plateau.
  • At the same time, Chandragupta expanded into the Deccan.
  • To the east of the Ghats lies the flat Deccan Plateau.
  • The Deccan Gymkhana has hosted Davis Cup matches on several occasions.
  • In the Deccan he not only maintained all his old activities, but had extended their field.
  • In the Deccan the cult of Shivaji, as the epic hero of Mahratta history, was intelligible enough.
  • Nothing was better calculated to enlighten them than another feature introduced also from the Deccan into the "national" propaganda.
  • The Deccan Trap eruptions were associated with a deep mantle plume.
  • The first Muslim invasion of the Deccan took place in 1296.
  • To the east of the Ghats lies the flat Deccan Plateau.
  • The Chalukyas ruled over the Deccan plateau in India for over 600 years.
  • The Deccan plateau consists of dry tropical forests that experiences only seasonal rainfall
  • Davanagere lies in the Maidan region on the Deccan Plateau.
  • It's difficult to see deccan plateau in a sentence .
  • The species was first described from the Deccan Plateau region.