deaconess - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deaconess in Hindi
- स्त्री डीकन
- प्राचीन तथा कुछ आधुनिक गिरजाघरों की वह स्त्री जिसका कर्तव्य डीकन का सा होता है
deaconess Definition
- (in the early Church and some modern Churches) a woman with duties similar to those of a deacon.
deaconess Example
- Vexing questions have arisen as to how the deaconess should be set apart to her work. ( परेशान करने वाले सवाल उठ रहे हैं कि बधिरता को उसके काम से कैसे अलग किया जाए। )
- The pharmacy is in the charge of a deaconess trained especially for her duties. ( फार्मेसी विशेष रूप से अपने कर्तव्यों के लिए प्रशिक्षित एक बधिर के प्रभारी है। )
- Write to the superintendent of the nearest deaconess home, and ask for directions. ( निकटतम बधिर गृह के अधीक्षक को लिखें और निर्देश मांगें। )
- The associate is a real officer in many of the deaconess establishments in London. ( सहयोगी लंदन में कई बधिर प्रतिष्ठानों में एक वास्तविक अधिकारी है। )
More Sentence
- The ordinary expenses of the Paris deaconess home are about thirty thousand dollars a year.
- There was an elderly deaconess who was over eighty years old.
- Fliedner had long been looking toward Jerusalem, hoping to found a deaconess home there.
- Surely the deaconess cause is striking deep root in the religious life of Protestant Europe.
- The deaconess house in Neudettelsau stands in closest union with the Lutheran Church.
- When working singly each deaconess shall be under the direction of the pastor of the church with which she is connected.
- For starters, Beth Israel was three times bigger than Deaconess.
- He was taken to Beth Israel Deaconess Saturday evening for observation.
- The twins were born at Deaconess on March 29, 2001.
- Deaconesses are installed, not ordained, and remain lay people.
- He did much to reintroduce the ministry of women as deaconesses.
- Deaconesses do not have priesthood authority but prepare the communion tables.
- Deaconess College of Nursing was later renamed Chamberlain College of Nursing.
- She was named a deaconess a few weeks after her wedding.
- Deaconesses disappeared completely from the Western Church by the eleventh century.
- It's difficult to see deaconess in a sentence .
- The Dimock Center is affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
- By combining the different references we obtain a tolerably clear picture of the deaconess and her duties.
- The deaconess had certain duties in connection with the baptism of women that were considered important and indispensable.
- Such homes of rest and convalescence are a necessity in connection with every well-equipped deaconess institution.
- The Deaconess came over and sat beside me.
- It set up its deaconess training program in Baltimore.
- It's difficult to find deaconess in a sentence.
- Deaconess has also been busy putting together its own network.
- Bruening Foundation, Deaconess Community Foundation, Murphy Family Foundation and Harry K.
- Deaconess is strong in areas such as gastroenterology, psychiatry and cardiology.
- In turn, the modern deaconess movement began in Germany in 1836.
- Across town at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, things are even shakier.
- The mention of any facts that can bring before us the varied character that the deaconess work can assume is valuable.
- When a probationer becomes a deaconess she is consecrated to her work by a service the main features of which it may be well to indicate.
- Furthermore, the deaconess home offers a wide and varied field for those possessing different gifts.