de-ice - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of de-ice in Hindi

  • de-बर्फ
  • वायुयान के पंखो पर जमी बर्फ़ दूर करना

de-ice Definition


  • to free of ice; prevent or remove ice formation on, as the wing of an airplane.

de-ice Example

  • De-ice roads can cause environmental damage. ( डी-आइस सड़कें पर्यावरणीय क्षति का कारण बन सकती हैं।)
  • Fries had enough salt to de ice my driveway after an ice storm. ( एक बर्फीले तूफान के बाद मेरे ड्राइववे को बर्फ से मुक्त करने के लिए फ्राइज़ में पर्याप्त नमक था। )
  • This was from the missed flight because they couldn't de ice a plane quickly after a. ( यह छूटी हुई उड़ान से था क्योंकि वे एक के तुरंत बाद एक विमान को बर्फ से नहीं हटा सकते थे। )
  • de-ice roads can cause environmental damage. ( बर्फीली सड़कें पर्यावरण को नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Instead of weakening this aristocratic agitation by the see-saw policy of Catherine de Medici, Marie could invent no other device than to despoil the royal treasure by distributing places and money to the chiefs of both parties.
  • de-ice is used as the de-icing agent because it is the most cost effective means of treatment.
  • I turned the cooling feature off, and let the fan run to help circulate air to de ice the unit.
  • Once power is removed from the heater, the shedding zone immediately refreezes and resumes collecting ice until the next de-ice cycle.
  • More salt used to de-ice the road means more saline solution running off into the surrounding areas, causing further environmental damage.
  • It used rubber de-ice boots on wing and horizontal stabilizer leading edges.
  • Maintenance was minimal, and the use of corrosive salts to de-ice the highway in winter accelerated its decay.
  • Salt was also used to de-ice the local railroad and trolley tracks during the winter months.
  • Full-span hydraulically operated trailing-edge flaps were fitted, while engine exhaust gas was used to de-ice the wings' leading edge.
  • Once primarily a maritime species, the fungus has spread inland to roadside verges where salt has been applied to de-ice the roads.
  • Moose and reindeer at a Stockholm wildlife park have been invited to an unusual taste panel that will help decide which type of salt should be used to de-ice the country's roads in wintertime.