cylindrical - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cylindrical in Hindi
- बेलनाकार
- गोल
cylindrical Definition
- having straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross-section; in the shape or form of a cylinder.
cylindrical Example
- a cylindrical plastic container ( एक बेलनाकार प्लास्टिक कंटेनर )
- Stransky picked up one of several cylindrical objects that were lying at his feet. ( स्ट्रांस्की ने कई बेलनाकार वस्तुओं में से एक को उठाया जो उसके पैरों पर पड़ी थी। )
- This receiver is of the direct-current type and employs but a single cylindrical bobbin of wire. ( यह रिसीवर डायरेक्ट-करंट प्रकार का होता है और तार के एक एकल बेलनाकार बॉबिन को नियोजित करता है। )
- He lifted a cylindrical package into the air and put an ember to it, then threw it. ( उसने एक बेलनाकार पैकेज को हवा में उठाया और उसमें एक अंगारा डाला, फिर उसे फेंक दिया। )
More Sentence
- Structurally, the bansuri is a cylindrical bamboo tube, with one sealed end and uniformly placed six or seven open finger holes.
- This fusion event pinches off the water sheets, trapping the water in cylindrical pores, which are the hallmark of inverted phases.
- The bore was cylindrical and held a double reed, though single reeds are sometimes shown.
- It has a traditional cylindrical shape and is threaded with delicate blue veins.
- Standing at a distance from the sculpture, we see a cylindrical container perched on a tall, square-topped, three-legged stool.
- They were shaped differently, more cylindrical, with longer, more narrow funnels at their bases.
- These pellets are stacked one on top of another in a hollow cylindrical tube known as the fuel rod and then inserted into the reactor core.
- In the picture, a large, cylindrical structure cuts vertically across the bedding of the sedimentary rock.
- The branchial arches begin as cylindrical cores of mesenchyme sandwiched between continuous sheets of epidermal ectoderm and internal endoderm.
- The crystalloids varied in shape, including elliptical, ovoid, rodlike, cylindrical, and occasionally rectangular forms.
- I asked him how he got fire; and he produced a little cylindrical box of friction-matches.
- Jan had already leaped to the long cylindrical hull, the product of endless labor and sacrifice.
- The porous cup is cylindrical in form, about three inches in diameter and seven inches deep.
- Its burrow branches into a small number of cylindrical cells, forming the homes of as many larvae.
- The effect of this, however, is to produce a cylindrical skin, which is not a prize shape.
- Klein made a cylindrical apparatus with a tonal buzzer, operated by electricity, at one end.
- Stamens 10, united into a cylindrical tube, expanded at both ends, the mouth 15-toothed.
- Fruit black, oval, crowned with the calyx; one long cylindrical seed with membranaceous epidermis.
- Knight, hauberk and surcoat of mail, cylindrical helmet, shield on left side; delapidated.
- A cylindrical pestle of gray diorite (?), 11 inches long and 2 inches in diameter.
- the cavity is roughly cylindrical