curtness - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of curtness in Hindi
- स्र्खाई
- संक्षेप्तता
- रूखापन
curtness Definition
- Claire's curtness made him wonder what he'd done wrong.
- She knew instinctively that he cared, in spite of the curtness of his words.
curtness Example
- The curtness in the customer’s voice let the mechanic know instantly that she did not approve of the price. ( ग्राहक की आवाज में कर्कशता ने मैकेनिक को तुरंत बता दिया कि उसे कीमत मंजूर नहीं है। )
- Behavior specialists assist schools by lessening the curtness from the troubled students. ( व्यवहार विशेषज्ञ परेशान छात्रों से रूखेपन को कम करके स्कूलों की सहायता करते हैं। )
- The curtness of his tone and his refusal struck Mr. ( उनके लहज़े की कठोरता और उनके इनकार ने मि. )
- The curtness of his response suggested that further questions along this line of enquiry would be unwelcome. ( उनकी प्रतिक्रिया की सूक्ष्मता ने सुझाव दिया कि इस प्रकार की जांच के साथ आगे के प्रश्नों का स्वागत नहीं किया जाएगा। )
More Sentence
- He was unpleasantly impressed by a certain coldness, even curtness, one might almost say severity in their manner.
- Giselle's short answers, prompted by fearful caution, drove her beside herself by their curtness that resembled disdain.
- If parents do not establish consequences early on, they will have problems with the curtness of their child’s language.
- The public usually does not accept the curtness from a child or inappropriate gestures.
- Anger from the woman led to remarks of a curtness nature.