curious - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of curious in Hindi

  • जिज्ञासु
  • उत्सुक
  • अजीब
  • विलक्षण
  • कुतूहली
  • निराला

curious Definition


  • eager to know or learn something.
  • strange; unusual.

curious Example

  • a curious stare ( एक जिज्ञासु घूरना )
  • I began to be curious about the whereabouts of the bride and groom ( मैं दूल्हा और दुल्हन के ठिकाने के बारे में उत्सुक होने लगा )
  • There are some curious analogies in these two parties to our own parties before the war. ( युद्ध से पहले इन दोनों पार्टियों में हमारी अपनी पार्टियों के लिए कुछ उत्सुक समानताएं हैं। )
  • I am forever your debtor for reminding me of that curious passage in my life. ( मुझे अपने जीवन में उस जिज्ञासु मार्ग की याद दिलाने के लिए मैं हमेशा आपका ऋणी हूं। )

More Sentence

  • It was a curious trait in his vicious character that he really loved his gardening work.
  • For the second time she felt a curious lack of will to fittingly reprove his boldness.
  • A child is naturally full of curiosity, and wants to know about everything.
  • My children were very curious to know how my husband and I met.
  • The people in the store looked at us curiously when we entered wearing our monkey costumes.
  • The kitten was frightened of the dog, but also a little bit curious.
  • I don't recognize Nigel's accent. I'm curious to know where he is from.
  • Jacques Cousteau once said that a scientist is only a curious man looking through the keyhole of nature, trying to understand what is going on.
  • A good teacher uses a child's natural curiosity to make learning an exciting experience.
  • Marly really seems excited about something, but won't tell me what, and now I'm really getting curious.
  • The was a curious assortment of objects for sale in the little shop we visited.
  • A similar curious reversion has taken place in the development of telephone lines.
  • He shook himself free from a curious sense of unreality, and turned towards her.
  • And apropos of him, let us note a curious instance of the tenacity of associated ideas.
  • Perhaps the curious sense of enervation was due only to the heat of midsummer in a Southern city.
  • When Andre looked up, he turned a curious paleness, and seemed almost stoned with surprise.
  • But is there not Some curious impertinent to come Across me now, and murder me with questions?
  • a curious sensation overwhelmed her
  • she was curious to know what had happened