curios - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of curios in Hindi

  • कलाकृतियां

curios Definition


  • eager to know or learn something.
  • strange; unusual.

curios Example

  • There is a general store and places for the sale of photographs, curios and Indian work. ( तस्वीरों, जिज्ञासाओं और भारतीय कार्यों की बिक्री के लिए एक सामान्य स्टोर और स्थान है। )
  • I collected many curios in my travels and arranged them into a Museum during Christmas holidays. ( मैंने अपनी यात्रा में कई जिज्ञासाएँ एकत्र कीं और उन्हें क्रिसमस की छुट्टियों के दौरान एक संग्रहालय में व्यवस्थित किया। )
  • All their furniture and curios were burned in their wigwams, and some of their valuable dogs were holocausted. ( उनके सभी फर्नीचर और जिज्ञासाएं उनके विगवाम में जला दी गईं, और उनके कुछ मूल्यवान कुत्तों को प्रलय कर दिया गया। )
  • But apart from some good curios and beautiful things she had picked up in her travels, she owned very little. ( लेकिन कुछ अच्छी जिज्ञासाओं और सुंदर चीजों के अलावा जो उसने अपनी यात्रा में उठाई थीं, उसके पास बहुत कम संपत्ति थी। )     

More Sentence

  • The artist grew up over the curio shop his family owned.
  • A curio case holds mementos from murder cases he has solved.
  • A golf-ball curio has tees set in glass shelves.
  • It's what you might call a futuristic curio .)
  • Mahogany curio cabinet ! " _ attracts few rank amateurs.
  • Curio and beachwear shops can't give their goods away.
  • Instead, showcase these dust collectors together in a curio cabinet.
  • They eat, sunbathe, buy curios and leave before nightfall.
  • The gallery also sells antiques, handicraft, curios and trinkets.
  • It's difficult to see curios in a sentence .
  • The overall area stretches for from Curio Bay to Slope Point.
  • The dealers in curios and antiques lounge idly in their doorways, deeming themselves fortunate if they make a sale a month.
  • She put the ten bracelets into their tin box, and the necklets and other curios into the other, locked each, and took them upstairs.
  • Near the water there was the usual number of Indian women squatting on the ground and offering baskets and curios for sale.
  • If you have any more curios to sell, my address is Miss H. Annie Lapham, Langham Hotel.
  • I have a good many curios in the room, and some rather wonderful prints, but it was Fatime who held you while you waited.
  • When he finished the job to his liking, the ax or hammer resembled those Indian curios one sees in the museums of our large cities.
  • His opinion was that the bracelets and other curios were worth at least seven thousand pounds, and that such a sum could easily be obtained for them.
  • Very shortly the Indian villages of Alaska will be stocked with curios of genuine California manufacture.