culmination - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of culmination in Hindi

  • परिणति
  • पराकाष्ठा
  • चरम बिंदु
  • पराकोटि

culmination Definition


  • the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.

culmination Example

  • the product was the culmination of 13 years of research ( उत्पाद 13 साल के शोध की परिणति था )
  • That's the culmination of the thirty day trial. ( यह तीस दिवसीय परीक्षण की परिणति है। )
  • The Lion, as the symbol of fire, L represented the culmination of the solar heat. ( सिंह, आग के प्रतीक के रूप में, एल सौर ताप की परिणति का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। )
  • The 4th century marks the culmination of early Christian preaching. ( चौथी शताब्दी प्रारंभिक ईसाई उपदेश की परिणति का प्रतीक है। )
  • It is the religious culmination of the book. ( यह पुस्तक की धार्मिक परिणति है। )

More Sentence

  • It was the culmination of years of creeping arrogance and power.
  • It's the culmination of all the arts ."
  • It was the culmination of a full year of long goodbyes.
  • Last week was the culmination of the one-sided feud.
  • Roberts'hit was the perfect culmination of a piecemeal inning.
  • It just seemed like the natural culmination to a natural event.
  • A huge adrenaline rush, the culmination of the entire year.
  • This whole Olympic experience was a culmination of all my efforts.
  • The October ceremony was the culmination of an unusually sharp debate.
  • It is the culmination of months of work in the company.
  • Under the guidance of such a principle the writer naturally expected the world's culmination in evil to be the immediate precursor of God's intervention on behalf of the righteous, and every fresh growth in evil to be an additional sign that the time was at hand.
  • The tenth contraction usually exhibits the culmination of this so-called "staircase effect."
  • These ranges reach their culmination in this state, and with a series of more or less interrupted cross ranges constitute the greatest masses of mountains in the E.
  • In spite of the emperor Alexander's engagements to the Grand Alliance and the ideal of European peace, this was no easy matter; for the murder of the patriarch was but the culmination of a whole series of grievances accumulated since the Treaty of Bucharest.
  • Most products bought by private consumers represent the culmination of a long process of value creation.  
  • The summit of the Aiguille Verte exhibits the original culmination of the group which is now divided into several aiguilles.  
  • For the Trust it marked not just a few months' worth of campaigning but represented the culmination of nearly half a century of tireless effort.  
  • The science fiction fascination with robots and androids is the culmination of this perception of machines as being almost like one of us. 
  • The album is a technological feast, a delightful culmination of loungecore techno and world music.  
  • Monthly meetings by a huge committee of up to 40 people throughout the year have set the scene for this, the culmination of all their effort.  
  • Despite scorning the idea that the culmination of scientific research is publications, he has authored several scientific papers.  
  • The marital embrace is the culmination of the total self-giving of husbands and wives.  
  • It was the culmination of months of secretive work by a Garda team headed by Assistant Commissioner Joe Egan.  
  • A hangover is a culmination of a number of metabolic processes and imbalances.  
  • My birthday fell during that week, and I was given a deck party, which provided, for me at least, the perfect culmination of the trip.
  • The council of Ferrara and Florence was the culmination of a series of futile medieval attempts to reunite the Greek and Roman churches.
  • The struggle for emancipation in the West Indies was then at the point of culmination; the leaders of the cause, from all parts of the kingdom, were assembled in London, and Garrison was at once admitted to their councils and treated with distinguished consideration.
  • From the above-mentioned tables of culmination in the tombs of Rameses VI.
  • The art of casting bronze reached its culmination in the hands of a group of great expertsSeimin, TOun, Masatune, TeijO, SOmin, Keisai, Takusai, Gido, Zenryusai and Hotokusaiwho flourished during the second half of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th.