crystals - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of crystals in Hindi
- क्रिस्टल
crystals Definition
- a piece of a homogeneous solid substance having a natural geometrically regular form with symmetrically arranged plane faces.
- highly transparent glass with a high refractive index.
crystals Example
- It forms monoclinic crystals which are very soluble in water. ( यह मोनोक्लिनिक क्रिस्टल बनाता है जो पानी में बहुत घुलनशील होते हैं। )
- The crystals of prismatic habit represented in figs. ( प्रिज्मीय आदत के क्रिस्टल अंजीर में प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। )
- The crystals are feebly doubly refracting, and in polarized light exhibit a banded structure parallel to the cube faces. ( क्रिस्टल कमजोर दोगुनी अपवर्तक हैं, और ध्रुवीकृत प्रकाश में घन चेहरे के समानांतर एक बंधुआ संरचना प्रदर्शित करते हैं। )
- With deadly accuracy, she threw the ball at him, laughing when it bounced off his leather coat and sprayed a mist of white crystals in his face. ( घातक सटीकता के साथ, उसने गेंद को उस पर फेंक दिया, जब उसने अपने चमड़े के कोट को उछाल दिया और उसके चेहरे में सफेद क्रिस्टल की धुंध छिड़काव की। )
More Sentence
- Crystals have the form of small, sharply defined cubes of an oliveor grass-green colour, and occur together in considerable numbers on the matrix of the specimens.
- The solution obtained may be evaporated in vacuo until it attains a density of 1.46 when, if partially saturated with potassium hydroxide and filtered, it yields crystals of potassium pentathionate, K 2 S 5 0 6.3H 2 0.
- Beautiful rock crystals occur in veins in the corries.
- It separates in the form of small rose-red crystals, which decompose on boiling with water.
- Crystals are prismatic, acicular or scaly in habit; they have a perfect cleavage parallel to the brachypinacoid (M in the figure).
- Cesena and Perticara are well-known localities in this district, the latter yielding crystals coated with asphalt.
- Mountain winters were always a surprise to lowlanders and easterners, where the chemistry of moisture played games that produced slush and wet snow, not the sparkling crystals so soft a broom could clear a foot-deep snowfall with a few swishes.
- Boron dissolves in molten aluminium, and on cooling, transparent, almost colourless crystals are obtained, possessing a lustre, hardness and refractivity near that of the diamond.
- These are, according to Meyer, acicular crystals, which he calls tricizites.
- Alteration is variable: absent in many crystals, in others producing dense sericite aggregates which may show some recrystallization effects to produce coarser-grained white mica.
- The tridymite crystals are rectangular or wedge-shaped and are sometimes arranged in aggregates.
- In addition, haloarchaeal cells were embedded within salt crystals under laboratory conditions and subsequently analysed by light microscopy.
- The white clouds (usually sparse) were also widely regarded as being composed of tiny crystals of water ice, rather like cirrus in our atmosphere.
- They are found in evaporite salt lakes and can be trapped in salt crystals during evaporation.
- Therefore, the cells (organelles and membranes) are destroyed mechanically by ice crystals, leading to death through cell lysis.
- Fine crystals occur at Conil near Cadiz; whilst in the province of Teruel in Aragon, sulphur in a compact form replaces fresh-water shells and plant-remains, suggesting its origin from sulphur-springs.