crucify - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of crucify in Hindi

  • क्रूस पर
  • सूली पर चढ़ाना
  • फांसी पर चढ़ाना
  • कष्ट देना

crucify Definition


  • put (someone) to death by nailing or binding them to a cross, especially as an ancient punishment.
  • criticize (someone) severely and unrelentingly.

crucify Example

  • our fans would crucify us if we lost ( अगर हम हार गए तो हमारे प्रशंसक हमें सूली पर चढ़ा देंगे )
  • Florus actually dared to scourge and crucify Jews who belonged to the Roman order of knights. ( फ्लोरस ने वास्तव में उन यहूदियों को कोड़े मारने और सूली पर चढ़ाने का साहस किया जो शूरवीरों के रोमन आदेश से संबंधित थे। )
  • crucify who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. ( सूली पर चढ़ाएं जो मसीह यीशु के हैं, उन्होंने पापी स्वभाव को उसके जुनून और इच्छाओं के साथ सूली पर चढ़ा दिया है। )
  • After missing the important meeting, my boss would crucify me by firing me during our country’s economic recession. ( महत्वपूर्ण बैठक को याद करने के बाद, मेरे मालिक हमारे देश की आर्थिक मंदी के दौरान मुझे निकाल कर मुझे सूली पर चढ़ा देंगे। ) 

More Sentence

  • When the teenage boy’s parents received his 3rd bad phone call from school, he felt they were going to crucify him by sitting in his class with him every day.  
  • We all carry a pocketful of nails and a digital hammer to crucify god's Top Ten Hates of the Week.
  • They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but another man was made to resemble him for them.
  • The chief priests and our rulers delivered him up to the Romans and demanded that they crucify him.
  • With the image of Crucify Christ Construction sets seeping into their thoughts, silence paced 1120.
  • DI Morton would crucify her if she ran up overnight expenses on this trip after he had specifically told her not to.
  • Some of them you will kill and crucify and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city;.
  • Taking away someone’s cell phone for repercussions seems like it would crucify someone because many people can’t live without their phone
  • In the Democratic national convention at Chicago in 1896, during a long and heated debate with regard to the party platform, Bryan, in advocating the "plank" declaring for the free coinage of silver, of which he was the author, delivered a celebrated speech containing the passage, "You shall not press down upon the brow of labour this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."
  • crucify wasted, crucified between the thieves, Ere night-fall ye might sup in paradise!