crowbar - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of crowbar in Hindi
- लोहदंड
- बोझ उठाने की डण्डी
crowbar Definition
- an iron bar with a flattened end, used as a lever.
- use a crowbar to open (something).
crowbar Example
- The lenses are polarized on this model and the Crowbar Snow's design offers moisture-wicking qualities and a fantastic fit. ( इस मॉडल पर लेंसों का ध्रुवीकरण किया गया है और क्राउबर स्नो का डिज़ाइन नमी-विकृत गुण और एक शानदार फिट प्रदान करता है। )
- Use the crowbar and strength potion to break the locked door to the left of the lobby. ( लॉबी के बाईं ओर बंद दरवाजे को तोड़ने के लिए क्राउबार और स्ट्रेंथ पोशन का उपयोग करें। )
- In the Battery mission when you need to crack the casing on the missile launcher Sam says that he didn't bring a crowbar. ( बैटरी मिशन में जब आपको मिसाइल लांचर पर केसिंग को क्रैक करने की आवश्यकता होती है तो सैम कहता है कि वह क्राउबार नहीं लाया। )
- You have some of the same weapons as before - shotgun, crossbow, and the lovely crowbar - with a couple new ones to add just a bit of flavor. ( आपके पास पहले जैसे ही कुछ हथियार हैं - शॉटगन, क्रॉसबो, और प्यारा क्राउबार - कुछ नए लोगों के साथ बस थोड़ा सा स्वाद जोड़ने के लिए। )
More Sentence
- The water as it thus issues from the nozzle feels to the touch like metal, and the strongest man cannot sensibly affect it with a crowbar.
- Wear gloves when using a crowbar to avoid blisters.
- After using a crowbar to pry open the back door, the robber dropped the iron tool and made his way inside the bank.
- Before we can repair the fence, an iron crowbar will need to be used to pull all of the old nails out of the boards.
- The strong, curved end of the leveled crowbar was used to pry open the tightly sealed wooden crate.
- A 'closed shackle ' type is best, as thieves cannot get a crowbar through the shackle to break it.
- We took the crowbar to Candy's Calamity which is near Shatter Pot.
- When the council came to modernize the kitchen they needed a crowbar to get it out.
- I'll get a phrasebook with " My toothache appears to have returned, do you have a crowbar you could hit me with?
- With a crowbar and hammer, tomorrow.
- One of them held a crowbar in his hand.
- What is that in your hand? A crowbar?
- She willed herself to swing the crowbar.
- He propped the crowbar in the door between.
- I think I see a crowbar behind the counter.
- Crowley borrowed the crowbar, and Adriano found a.
- He took up a crowbar and snapped open the nearest crate.
- He took a step forward, and the crowbar shook in her hand.
- Somehow I used the 2 foot long crowbar in a passage less than a foot high to lever off a lump of rock.
- crowbar through the shackle to break it.
- With a bitter curse, Crowbar stabbed out with his knife, determined to take somebody with him to hell.
- To remove a facia with a crowbar takes just a few minutes, to preserve it for resale may take 40 minutes.