countryman - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of countryman in Hindi
- देशवासी
- ग्रामवासी
- देहाती
countryman Definition
- a person from the same country as someone else.
- a man living or born in a rural area.
countryman Example
- they trust a fellow countryman ( वे एक साथी देशवासी पर भरोसा करते हैं )
- From this point the work was carried on by Philistus's fellow countryman Athanas. ( इस बिंदु से काम पलिश्ती के साथी देशवासी अथानास द्वारा किया गया था। )
- Sam was a complete countryman, with a pronounced affinity with nature in all its forms. ( सैम एक पूर्ण देशवासी था, जिसका प्रकृति के सभी रूपों में एक स्पष्ट संबंध था। )
- If so, the president has yet to convince his countrymen. ( अगर ऐसा है, तो राष्ट्रपति को अभी तक अपने देशवासियों को मनाना बाकी है। )
More Sentence
- My countrymen were once creative, wonderful artisans and innovative farmers.
- Collins is regarded by many of his countrymen as a hero.
- Philippoussis plays the featured stadium match tonight against countryman Sandon Stolle.
- You make us all proud to be one of your countrymen,
- And he is skeptical about the younger generations of his countrymen.
- She has not succeeded in easing the lives of her countrymen.
- Every winter, he would feel the pressure from his countrymen.
- The other a president diminishing before his countrymen's eyes.
- Ndeti and his countrymen have won the past eight Boston Marathons.
- It's difficult to see countryman in a sentence .
- But his countrymen who are in the majors are doing well.
- Putin does his countrymen no favor by encouraging that misguided reaction.
- But Sunday, Putin warned his countrymen not to expect miracles.
- The successes of their countrymen also provide motivation for the Kenyans.
- And like millions of his countrymen, Yemelyanov never came home.
- A countryman by upbringing, he was always deeply uneasy in towns and cities.
- These are the qualities of the countryman and the countrywoman.
- A countryman between two lawyers is just like a fish between two cats. Benjamin Franklin
- He was an old countryman with a betel-ravaged mouth, the cancerous tongue sticking helplessly out like a crimson prickly pear.
- He's a countryman of mine.
- Even thy enemies take pride that they're countryman.
- In fact the pasha was an illiterate barbarian, of the same type as his countryman Ali of Iannina, courageous, cruel, astute, full of wiles, avaricious and boundlessly ambitious.
- Where the demagogue publicly appealed to the mob, the pious woman appealed privately to individuals, even if, as "proprietors" or "countrymen," they were strangers.
- His affinity with his earlier countryman Aphraates is manifest both in his choice of subjects and his manner of treatment.
- Rupert loved having a countryman to ease the loneliness of being a stranger in a strange land.
- They were more than twice as likely to be interested in and talk more about politics as their less activist countrymen.
- The next work on the husbandry of Scotland is The Countryman's Rudiments, or an Advice to the Farmers in East Lothian, how to labour and improve their Grounds, said to have been written by John Hamilton, 2nd Lord Belhaven about the time of the Union, and reprinted in 1723.
- countryman of mine.
- Roberto Carlos (Brazil) Ronaldinho's countryman favors power over finesse, taking 20-yard run-ups to blast the ball as hard as possible.
- he was a complete countryman, with a pronounced affinity with nature