counterfoil - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of counterfoil in Hindi

  • प्रतिपर्ण
  • अधपन्ना
  • दूसरी पर्त

counterfoil Definition


  • the part of a cheque, receipt, ticket, or other document that is torn off and kept as a record by the person issuing it.

counterfoil Example

  • All ballot papers are numbered and have a counterfoil with the same number. ( सभी मतपत्रों पर संख्यांक होती है और एक ही संख्या के साथ एक प्रतिपर्ण होता है। )
  • counterfoil must be sent to Oxfam. ( ऑक्सफैम को काउंटरफॉइल भेजा जाना चाहिए। )
  • Clair Price as his wife, Agnes, provides the perfect counterfoil to the cold extremism of the emotionally scarred Brand. ( क्लेयर प्राइस उनकी पत्नी एग्नेस के रूप में भावनात्मक रूप से झुलसे ब्रांड के ठंडे उग्रवाद के लिए एकदम सही काउंटरफॉइल प्रदान करते हैं। )
  • I enclose the one-way ticket counterfoil as proof of purchase, and look forward to hearing from you. ( मैं खरीद के प्रमाण के रूप में वन-वे टिकट काउंटरफॉइल संलग्न करता हूं, और आपसे सुनने की आशा करता हूं। )

More Sentence

  • The numbered counterfoil of each certificate was returned to the kachcheri by the headman.
  • Both the counterfoil and the voting slip have identical numbers printed on them similar to a cloakroom or raffle tickets.
  • Is the practice of marking each voting counterfoil with the electors electoral role number to continue in the forthcoming election?
  • Please complete the back of the ticket counterfoil and send to the Amnesty Fundraising Department, with your request for extra tickets.
  • One original of Approved Certificate Counterfoil filled by enterprises whose stock rights are changed (only the items of change).
  • The second lounge provides a perfect counterfoil: a black, leather-clad space enfolds a white, illuminated table beneath a mirrored ceiling.
  • You haven’t filled out the counterfoil.
  • The final award winners must provide the counterfoil of the Haier refrigerator, so that Haier worldwide service net will make identification.
  • In order to maximize the use of the counterfoils page, the counterfoils will also be printed on both sides with dotted lines separating each counterfoil.
  • You will need your Investor Code to access this service; this can be found on your share certificate or a dividend tax counterfoil.
  • Firstly there is greater accuracy when patients make their request using the counterfoil of the script.
  • The prescription counterfoil requests two working days notice in order to process the prescription.
  • He completed the counterfoil on the day of the death, probably when he was called out to establish the fact of death.
  • Postal Orders: When sending postal orders, remember to keep the counterfoil -- this is your proof of purchase.