convent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of convent in Hindi
- मठ
- कान्वेंट
- बैरागियों का मठ
- कुवारियों का मठ
- विहार
- धर्मसंघ
convent Definition
- a Christian community under monastic vows, especially one of nuns.
convent Example
- the long windy path behind the convent ( कॉन्वेंट के पीछे लंबा हवादार रास्ता path )
- She renounced the world and entered a convent. ( उसने दुनिया को त्याग दिया और एक कॉन्वेंट में प्रवेश किया। )
- That's why I've dropped out of society and joined a convent in El Salvador. ( इसलिए मैं समाज से बाहर हो गया और अल साल्वाडोर में एक कॉन्वेंट में शामिल हो गया। )
- It is going to be a big event, with about 800 guests and in an ancient convent in downtown Mexico City. ( यह एक बड़ा आयोजन होने जा रहा है, जिसमें लगभग 800 मेहमान होंगे और मेक्सिको सिटी शहर में एक प्राचीन कॉन्वेंट में होगा। )
More Sentence
- These three sisters are the externs at the convent of St. Teresa in Coimbra where Sister Lucia lived for 57 years.
- It takes me back, to be precise, to evensong at St Matthew's, West Kensington, and Hail Marys at my convent school, but that is another story.
- Rapley balances this diachronic argument with a more synchronic survey of convent life and the teaching activities of the nuns.
- The nuns established a convent here in 1692.
- It was during the war when the convent had been turned into a shrine for Bruckner by a man called Glasmeier.
- This was where the nuns from Santa Clara Convent in Funchal fled to during pirate raids in the sixteenth century.
- The convent would do a better job raising him than the Immortals.
- Sanctuaries were managed by a convent of women who cared for the lost and injured.
- I am entirely devoted to the convent.
- The nuns established a convent here in 1692.
- She attended a convent school and went to Mass each day.
- A day was spent visiting a convent in Filey.
- She founded a convent in Odilienberg.
- Sister Philippa leaves the Carmel convent in Darlington soon.
- The nuns from the convent have bought a van.
- You'd been to convent school as well, you said.
- We shared a room at convent school.
- Convent of Paraclet around mid-morning.
- The small property of the Convent of St.
- The young nun committed her life to the community the day she took her vows at the convent.
- Priests gathered at the convent to communicate issues with their congregations.
- In the port of Cavite, a convent without administration.
- The convent of Santo Domingo is very rich.
- To be a sister of the convent of the Sacred Heart!
- I am going into the Convent of the Assumption next week.
- The convent seemed like a place I had heard of, long ago.
- Hermits of the east gathered together at the convent once a year discuss their missions.
- Missing their families made living in the convent difficult for the new nuns.
- No tooth-brush ever entered that convent.
- There are hundreds of them in the convent.
- We have a case of gonorrhea in the convent.
- Is everyone in the convent safe?
- At Marseilles (after 410) he founded two religious societies - a convent for nuns, and the abbey of St Victor, which during his time is said to have contained 5000 inmates.
- While his patroness lived in a convent of her own in Jerusalem, Rufinus, at her expense, gathered together a number of monks in a monastery on the Mount of Olives, devoting himself at the same time to the study of Greek theology.
- A day was spent visiting a convent in Filey.
- The orchards are the hushed maids, fresh from convent ….
- She founded a convent in Odilienberg.
- Sister Philippa leaves the Carmel convent in Darlington soon.
- The convent garden harboured herbs and a yellow flowering vine flourishing over a falling wooden structure.
- Her brother paid a visit at her convent one day.
- Maria entered the convent at the age of eighteen