convalescent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of convalescent in Hindi
- अच्छा हो जानेवाला
- स्वास्थ्य प्राप्त करने वाला व्यक्ति
convalescent Definition
- (of a person) recovering from an illness or operation.
- a person who is recovering after an illness or operation.
convalescent Example
- Many policies specifically exclude rehabilitative or convalescent care. ( कई नीतियां विशेष रूप से पुनर्वास या स्वास्थ्य लाभ देखभाल को बाहर करती हैं। )
- He felt drained, giddy, weak as a convalescent. ( वह एक दीक्षांत समारोह के रूप में सूखा, चक्कर, कमजोर महसूस कर रहा था। )
- She had gone to a convalescent home in Bournemouth. ( वह बोर्नमाउथ के एक दीक्षांत गृह में गई थी। )
- Crawley should be out of the convalescent home shortly and he could carry her downstairs. ( क्रॉली को जल्द ही दीक्षांत घर से बाहर होना चाहिए और वह उसे नीचे ले जा सकता है। )
More Sentence
- The patient should continue to take about 100 grains a day for at least a fortnight after he is apparently convalescent, otherwise a recrudescence is very probable.
- The Roman Catholic Convalescent Home for women and children was erected in 1865.
- The Chavonnes Battery was used as an isolation and convalescent wing.
- In 1980 female dependents of members were admitted as convalescent patients.
- In 1962, the institution was renamed the Jewish Convalescent Hospital.
- Then the Navy will send them home to begin short convalescent leaves.
- It's difficult to see convalescent in a sentence .
- Lopez works today as the maintenance supervisor at a Miami convalescent center.
- Her condition deteriorated and she died early Thursday at a convalescent hospital.
- They later bought Talbot Lodge which became part of the convalescent home.
- Financial support was needed to pay for their convalescent care.
- The infirmary convalescents are sent to the convalescent house in Corstorphine.
- A convalescent home (1872) commemorates the recovery from illness of King Edward VII.
- On a site of three acres stands the convalescent home of the Norfolk and Norwich hospital.
- A converted mansion, Woodford Hall, forms a convalescent home.
- On the "farm" the city maintains an "infirmary village," a tuberculosis sanatorium, a detention hospital, a convalescent hospital and houses of correction.
- That happened only when, as was the case that day, her husband returned home, or a sick child was convalescent, or when she and Countess Mary spoke of Prince Andrew (she never mentioned him to her husband, who she imagined was jealous of Prince Andrew's memory), or on the rare occasions when something happened to induce her to sing, a practice she had quite abandoned since her marriage.
- Most of the charitable institutions - for instance, the convalescent home, fever hospital, home for girls and Red House home - are situated at Inveresk, about 12 m.
- Forty-eight cases were admitted from nursing homes or convalescent care facilities.
- Those working in convalescent hospitals, away from the front lines, also suffered the deprivations of war.
- The table shows the results of blood tests performed during the acute and convalescent stages of the illness.
- Only recovering patients that are medically stable, generally leading convalescent care, are eligible.
- Western Montana residents needed a hospital that could provide medical and convalescent care.
- However, both features occur in the convalescent phase when the coronary aneurysms develop and should never be relied on to aid the diagnosis.
- She felt like a convalescent after a long and dangerous illness, her strength returning, her enthusiasm for life rekindled.
- Age Concern believes that convalescent facilities must be available to all elderly patients who require them.
- I was told I should go to a convalescent home to complete my recovery.
- A small number of convalescent and recuperative holidays can be arranged.