contractual - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of contractual in Hindi
- संविदात्मक
- समझौते के तौर पर
- ठेका संबंधी
- संविदा संबंधी
contractual Definition
- agreed in a contract.
contractual Example
- The actress was hesitant to engage in a binding contractual commitment that wouldn’t allow her to work for other film companies. ( अभिनेत्री एक बाध्यकारी संविदात्मक प्रतिबद्धता में शामिल होने में संकोच कर रही थी जो उसे अन्य फिल्म कंपनियों के लिए काम करने की अनुमति नहीं देगी। )
- the contractual nature of the shareholder's rights ( शेयरधारक के अधिकारों की संविदात्मक प्रकृति )
- Under it the high contracting powers have agreed not to have recourse to armed force for the recovery of contractual debts claimed from the government of one country by the government of another country as due to its subjects. ( इसके तहत उच्च संविदाकारी शक्तियों ने एक देश की सरकार से दूसरे देश की सरकार द्वारा अपने विषयों के कारण दावा किए गए संविदात्मक ऋण की वसूली के लिए सशस्त्र बल का सहारा नहीं लेने पर सहमति व्यक्त की है। )
- Before the couple officially purchased their home, they had to read the fine print and sign a contractual agreement. ( इससे पहले कि दंपति ने आधिकारिक तौर पर अपना घर खरीदा, उन्हें ठीक प्रिंट पढ़ना था और एक अनुबंध पर हस्ताक्षर करना था। )
More Sentence
- They have thus upheld the true contractual nature of concordats and the mutual juridical obligation which results from them.
- In the fourth place, there is the self-denying ordinance against employment of arms for the enforcement of contractual obligations adopted at the Hague Conference of 1907.
- The teacher could not resign from her position since finishing the school year out was a part of the contractual obligation she agreed to in August.
- The shades which distinguish these three forms are not without significance, but they in no way detract from the contractual character of concordats.
- The Ravinia Festival hires the Chicago Symphony on a contractual basis.
- However, the Suns have severed their contractual ties with Dumas.
- This was done in a cooperative rather than a contractual way.
- Without the contractual agreement, abuse was frequent, Moore said.
- Of the 10, eight are contractual or temporary workers now.
- What ESPN2 did was a bonus, not a contractual obligation.
- His contractual differences with management did make life interesting last season.
- Allan Houston has leverage, a contractual out after the season.
- Other cases of regulation by treaty are certain contractual engagements which have been entered into by states for the preservation of the status quo of other states and territories.
- Jackson soon will travel to England to fulfill unspecified contractual obligations.
- Jackson soon will travel to Britain to fulfill unspecified contractual obligations.
- Following contractual disputes production was transferred to the Bristol Aeroplane Company.
- Any subcontractor has a direct contractual relationship with the main contractor.
- Having fulfilled their contractual obligations, the band left the label.
- This free-access requirement was the contractual beginnings of PEG.
- It also alleged " conspiracy and interference with contractual relations ".
- The only existing case of contractual reduction of armaments is, that of the Disarmament Agreement of the 28th of May 1902 between the Chilian and Argentine republics, adopted " owing to the initiative and good offices of His Britannic Majesty," which is as follows: Art.
- - Capacity to refer depends on the general law of contractual capacity.
- She violated the terms of the contract repeatedly.
- The contract was declared void.
- Firms can contract out work to one another.
- The original written contract was held valid.
- I withheld payment until they had fulfilled the contract.
- accrual of additional contractual holiday entitlement during parental leave is a matter for agreement between the parties concerned (or their representatives ).
- a contractual obligation