continental slope - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of continental slope in Hindi

  • महाद्वीपीय ढाल

continental slope Definition


  • the slope between the outer edge of the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor.

continental slope Example

  • The earthquake triggered submarine landslides that dislodged hundreds of cubic kilometers of sediment on the continental slope. ( भूकंप ने पनडुब्बी भूस्खलन को ट्रिगर किया जिसने महाद्वीपीय ढलान पर सैकड़ों घन किलोमीटर तलछट को हटा दिया। )
  • Conclusion The record of deposition-magmatism of Xiangshan Group reflects that the environment of continental slope and deep ocean plain formed in the background of spreading tectonics. ( निष्कर्ष जियांगशान ग्रुप के डिपोजिशन-मैग्मैटिज्म का रिकॉर्ड दर्शाता है कि महाद्वीपीय ढलान और गहरे समुद्र के मैदान का वातावरण फैलते टेक्टोनिक्स की पृष्ठभूमि में बना है। )
  • The results show that, the Kuroshio flows along the continental slope of the East China Seas, its trajectory varies along with the slope topography, and some eddies appear on the both sides of it. ( परिणाम बताते हैं कि, कुरोशियो पूर्वी चीन सागर के महाद्वीपीय ढलान के साथ बहती है, इसका प्रक्षेपवक्र ढलान स्थलाकृति के साथ बदलता रहता है, और इसके दोनों किनारों पर कुछ एडी दिखाई देते हैं। )
  • The crabs are moving from the deep ocean, up the continental slope to the shallower shelf areas. ( केकड़े गहरे समुद्र से, महाद्वीपीय ढलान से उथले शेल्फ क्षेत्रों की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Tectonic subsidence formed large-scale tectonic mesa, deep water terrace and continental slope basin etc.
  • On the basis of resistivity, sonic logging, density data and geology data in ODP184, there exist gas hydrates in the continental slope of the South China Sea.
  • When the proportion of calcium carbonate in the blue mud is considerable there results a calcareous ooze, which when found on the continental slope and in enclosed seas is largely composed of remains of deep-sea corals and bottom-living foraminif era, pelagic organisms including pteropods being less frequently represented.
  • Based on Euler deconvolution, the position and depth of the source of gravity fields was estimated, the northern margin faults of continental slope and Dongsha faults was divided.
  • Post-rift abnormal subsidence have been discovered in Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), and during the study, the Baiyun Sag in the continental slope always is the focus, not the shelf of PRMB.
  • During the Cambrian to Ordovinian period, there was a very magnificent continental slope, which is band-shaped distributing along the line Shanghai, Wuxi, southern Anhui.
  • The continental slope connects the continental shelf and the oceanic crust.
  • On the continental slope, submarine landslides and slope stability may require avoidance rather than engineering.
  • We then ran down the margin of the Antarctic Peninsula to about 68 degrees W where we slipped off the continental slope into deep water.  
  • The continental slope is cut by two canyons, the Magnaghi Canyon and the Dohrn Canyon.
  • We've got to see if they extend all the way out to 4,000 metres and what the details of the continental slope look like out there. Currents also carry organic material down the continental slope from the land.  
  • In 1929, for example, a relatively modest quake triggered an undersea landslide on the continental slope off Canada.  
  • Also other environments are represented including evidence for colonization of the continental slope.
  • Fishermen sailed to the nearby continental slope, where they specialized in migratory species.
  • Accordingly, the correlation between the content of total arsenic and the granularity of sediment is different from each other for the both sides of the continental slope.