consumable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of consumable in Hindi

  • उपभोज्य
  • उपभोज्य (वस्तुएँ)

consumable Definition


  • (of an item for sale) intended to be used up and then replaced.


  • a commodity that is intended to be used up relatively quickly.

consumable Example

  • you will have to pay for consumable materials, such as butane gas canisters ( आपको उपभोज्य सामग्री, जैसे ब्यूटेन गैस कनस्तरों के लिए भुगतान करना होगा )
  • This is double the amount of consumable material provided by our nearest competitors. ( यह हमारे निकटतम प्रतिस्पर्धियों द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली उपभोज्य सामग्री की मात्रा का दोगुना है। )
  • More than twenty years of instructional lessons in self-regulated writing strategies have been transformed into consumable materials ready for classroom use. ( स्व-विनियमित लेखन रणनीतियों में बीस वर्षों से अधिक के निर्देशात्मक पाठों को कक्षा में उपयोग के लिए तैयार उपभोज्य सामग्री में बदल दिया गया है। )
  • The supply chain is comprised of the vendors and suppliers that provide consumable materials and refurbishment services to the supply system and depot. ( आपूर्ति श्रृंखला में वेंडर और आपूर्तिकर्ता शामिल होते हैं जो आपूर्ति प्रणाली और डिपो को उपभोज्य सामग्री और नवीनीकरण सेवाएं प्रदान करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Media is bite-size. Content has to be consumable or people don't know how to fit it into their day.  
  • In the first half of the 17th century a rising cost of consumable goods and a series of bad harvests brought about economic changes in Glamorgan.
  • One of the most important role of logistics is the supply of munitions as a primary type of consumable, their storage, and disposal.
  • As workers we are the makers of our world, not just the buyers of consumable parts of it.  
  • Metal transfer The transfer of metal across the arc from a consumable electrode to the molten pool.
  • Taxes upon Consumable Commodities.
  • The sole use of money is to circulate consumable goods.
  • Consumable commodities are either necessaries or luxuries.
  • In the case of a dog training product, you could sell something consumable.
  • Creation of God, is turned into a consumable material, which once it gets worn.
  • This was actually a state project, delivering bread to the nation in conveniently consumable form.  
  • postpaid subscribers, all introductory 3G rates are part of their consumable plans.
  • The grants are intended to cover the costs of specialized equipment, essential consumable material, and scientific literature.  
  • As well as items such as food, diapers, clothing and bedding, there are also the consumable products such as washing aids and sterilizing products.
  • Taxes upon consumable commodities may either he levied by an administration, of which the officers are appointed by.
  • It will also reimburse you for the fuel and consumable supplies you used up during the war while in the service of the Spacers League.
  • These are consumable commodities that often have production and/or distribution cycles that occur at the same time of the year every year.
  • The value of the consumable goods annually circulated within the society being greater, will require a greater quantity of money to circulate them.
  • If you still can't convince your wine snob friends that wine from a box is actually consumable, put it in a decanter before they arrive.