constitutional - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of constitutional in Hindi

  • संवैधानिक
  • वैधानिक
  • रचना
  • शारीरिक
  • शरीर रचना संबंधी
  • स्वाभाविक
  • निर्माण सम्बंधी

constitutional Definition


  • relating to an established set of principles governing a state.
  • relating to someone's physical or mental condition.


  • a walk, typically one taken regularly to maintain or restore good health.

constitutional Example

  • Parliament was accused of constitutional impropriety.  ( संसद पर संवैधानिक अनियमितता का आरोप लगाया गया था। )
  • She’s nearly 86 and still takes a constitutional every morning. ( वह लगभग 86 वर्ष की है और अभी भी हर सुबह एक संवैधानिक पद लेती है। )
  • The government set an agenda for constitutional reform. ( सरकार ने संवैधानिक सुधार के लिए एजेंडा तय किया है। )
  • Constitutional changes are exclusively the prerogative of the parliament. ( संवैधानिक परिवर्तन विशेष रूप से संसद के विशेषाधिकार हैं। )

More Sentence

  • He again urged passage of a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.
  • The country gives a constitutional guarantee of the rights of minorities.
  • They can’t pass this law. It’s not constitutional.
  • You have the right of appeal to the Constitutional Court.
  • Parliament was accused of constitutional impropriety.
  • Freedom of speech should be a constitutional right.
  • Such a policy would not be constitutional.
  • There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe.
  • Constitutional reform is popular among the chattering classes.
  • They continue their groping towards a constitutional settlement.
  • The Opposition effectively have a veto on constitutional reform.
  • The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.
  • He has championed constitutional reform for many years.
  • Important questions of constitutional law were involved.
  • a constitutional monarchy
  • a constitutional amendment
  • she went out for a constitutional
  • It is, however, to be noticed that absolute monarchies are confined to the east of Europe and to Asia, Japan being the only established constitutional monarchy east of the Carpathians.
  • In a monarchy, despotic or constitutional, there cannot in strictness be an aristocracy, because the whole political power cannot be vested in the noble Venice class.
  • a constitutional weakness
  • But from such glimpses of early Attic history as we can get the union of the Attic towns would seem to have been completed before the constitutional struggle began.
  • In 1862, misled by the constitutional tendency of Austrian politics, he publicly declared in favour of the Great German party.
  • Its constitutional origin was analogous to that of the star chamber and the court of requests.
  • Next Spanish hides, with the tails still preserving their twist and the angle of elevation they had when the oxen that wore them were careering over the pampas of the Spanish Main--a type of all obstinacy, and evincing how almost hopeless and incurable are all constitutional vices.