connoisseur - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of connoisseur in Hindi
- विशेषज्ञ
- पारखी
- गुणज्ञ
- विशेषज्ञ
- माहिर
connoisseur Definition
- an expert judge in matters of taste.
connoisseur Example
- a connoisseur of music ( संगीत का पारखी )
- Many of KOuns sculptures appear unfinished to eyes trained in Occidental galleries, whereas the Japanese connoisseur detects evidence of a technical feat in their seeming roughness. ( कई KOuns मूर्तियां ऑक्सिडेंटल गैलरी में प्रशिक्षित आंखों के लिए अधूरी दिखाई देती हैं, जबकि जापानी पारखी अपने प्रतीत होने वाले खुरदरेपन में एक तकनीकी उपलब्धि के प्रमाण का पता लगाते हैं। )
- Because the psychologist talks to many individuals, she considers herself to be a connoisseur of people and their relationships. ( क्योंकि मनोवैज्ञानिक कई व्यक्तियों से बात करता है, वह खुद को लोगों और उनके रिश्तों का पारखी मानती है। )
- That the results achieved with these different materials are not comparable is a fact which every connoisseur must admit. ( इन विभिन्न सामग्रियों के साथ प्राप्त किए गए परिणाम तुलनीय नहीं हैं, यह एक तथ्य है जिसे प्रत्येक पारखी को मानना होगा। )
- Since you are a wine connoisseur, I thought I would ask your opinion on the best wines for my dinner party. ( चूंकि आप एक वाइन पारखी हैं, तो मैंने सोचा कि मैं अपनी डिनर पार्टी के लिए सबसे अच्छी वाइन पर आपकी राय पूछूंगा। )
More Sentence
- I'm no connoisseur but I know a good champagne when I taste one.
- He is the connoisseur who can discriminate between two equally fine wines.
- He was a connoisseur of beans.
- One need only be a connoisseur.
- The wine would have delighted a connoisseur.
- A leading connoisseur of bottled water last night advised consumers to pick and choose between bottled and mains water.
- He was also respected as a connoisseur of old masters, a collector of drawings, and a dealer and agent.
- He was a brave and energetic traveller, an art historian of astonishing erudition, and a profoundly perceptive connoisseur of civilisations.
- To have an enviable handicap in golf and to be a connoisseur of Bacchus is not unknown among members of the medical profession.
- The Morgan car company has done this with its sports cars aimed at the connoisseur segment of car buyers.
- I soon became a connoisseur of wood smoke.
- On weekends, this connoisseur of contemporary language stations himself on the couch, clicker in hand, riding the on-air waves.
- I grew up a connoisseur of pavilions and winter gardens and miniature golf courses.
- There is a radical difference between the points of view of the Japanese and the Western connoisseur in estimating tbe Japanese merits of sculpture in metal.
- According to the local whiskey connoisseur, the bottle of whiskey in your cabinet is worth over two thousand dollars.
- Cambridge, earl of Orford, Soame Jenyns, &c.; Connoisseur (Jan.
- The editor of the “Restaurant Review” is looking for a connoisseur of food to employ as a staff writer.
- It was the most piquant feature of his life that he, one of the gilded youth, a connoisseur in wines, and a learned man to boot, had become agitator and the champion of the working man.