conjugation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of conjugation in Hindi
- विकार
- गरदान
- संयोजन
- संयोग
- कोष्ठ-योजन
conjugation Definition
- the variation of the form of a verb in an inflected language such as Latin, by which are identified the voice, mood, tense, number, and person.
- the temporary union of two bacteria or unicellular organisms for the exchange of genetic material.
conjugation Example
- toxic compounds eliminated from the body by conjugation with glutathione ( ग्लूटाथियोन के साथ संयुग्मन द्वारा शरीर से विषाक्त यौगिक समाप्त हो जाते हैं )
- Reproduction by conjugation is also known as isogamy, by fertilization as oogamy. ( संयुग्मन द्वारा प्रजनन को आइसोगैमी के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, निषेचन द्वारा ओगैमी के रूप में। )
- In this form of conjugation, the word ‘help’ changes to ‘helped’ to show the past tense. ( संयुग्मन के इस रूप में, शब्द 'मदद' भूत काल को दिखाने के लिए 'मदद' में बदल जाता है। )
- During the story, conjugation of verbs occurs to show that the narrator is a woman and not a man. ( कहानी के दौरान, क्रियाओं का संयुग्मन यह दिखाने के लिए होता है कि कथाकार एक महिला है न कि पुरुष। )
More Sentence
- Conjugation of the irregular verb ‘to be’ can appear as ‘you are’ or ‘they are.’
- To communicate in more than one tone, conjugation of the verb ‘to cry’ must take place.
- Because the dance will happen next week, the writer should consider future tense conjugation of the verb ‘danced.’
- that nuclear conjugation between cells ever takes place.
- It has preserved in the conjugation and in the formation of the plural older forms than the classical Nahuatl itself.
- It is known that zoogametes, which usually conjugate, may, when conjugation fails, germinate directly (Sphaerella).
- Among Conjugatae reproduction is effected solely by means of conjugation of what are literally aplanospores.
- The old perfect of the conjugation in at had t (also i) in the 1st pers.
- The Syriac verb is remarkable for having entirely lost the original passive forms, such as in Arabic can be formed in every conjugation and in Hebrew are represented by the Pual and Hophal.
- The stability of benzene is ascribed to this conjugation.'
- Further, most if not all forms of Sporozoa 'undergo sexual conjugation at some period or other of the life-cycle.
- it was the conjugation of verbs he found most difficult
- a past participle of the first conjugation
- immunity may be transferable by conjugation to other bacterial strains