confiscate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of confiscate in Hindi

  • ज़ब्त करना
  • राज्यसात करना
  • अधिहरण करना

confiscate Definition


  • take or seize (someone's property) with authority.

confiscate Example

  • The majority did not, indeed, design to confiscate property wholesale. ( बहुमत ने वास्तव में, संपत्ति को जब्त करने के लिए डिजाइन नहीं किया। )
  • According to school policy, the principal has the authority to confiscate suspicious items from students.  ( स्कूल नीति के अनुसार, प्रिंसिपल के पास छात्रों से संदिग्ध वस्तुओं को जब्त करने का अधिकार है। )
  • Confiscated weapons are certified, bundled and taken to a landfill. ( जब्त किए गए हथियारों को प्रमाणित, बंडल और एक लैंडफिल में ले जाया जाता है। )
  • Knives, wrenches, syringes and other potential weapons were confiscated. ( चाकू, रिंच, सीरिंज और अन्य संभावित हथियार जब्त किए गए। )
  • The product was confiscated because it allegedly contained endangered animal products. ( उत्पाद को जब्त कर लिया गया क्योंकि इसमें कथित रूप से लुप्तप्राय पशु उत्पाद थे। )

More Sentence

  • Another 15, 000 were exiled or had their property confiscated.
  • About 1, 000 were confiscated during the previous school year.
  • The outraged Aussies had the frogman arrested and his film confiscated.
  • The Nazis could not confiscate the defiant Norwegian sense of humor.
  • A`yan with stringent orders to seize Ali and confiscate his possessions.
  • The source of all the evil was, he declared, the excessive wealth of the church, which, in retaliation for the sentence of excommunication, he threatened to confiscate.
  • The king replied by issuing a proclamation to the effect that he would outlaw any clerk who should accept the validity of such an interdict and would confiscate his lands.
  • During cell searches guards confiscate items that can be used as weapons.  
  • The one's that did neglected to confiscate Taylor's identification.
  • The copyright administrative authorities may confiscate their illegal income or impose a fine on them.
  • The police are making a concentrated effort to confiscate pirated books across city.
  • As the campaigners attempted to confiscate her knives and meat hooks, I asked what she felt as she butchered the cats.
  • Confiscate laptops , Blackberrys all corporate phones and storage devices of terminated employees.
  • The police have the right to confiscate any forbidden objects they find.
  • Confiscate your company rents the building security deposit. relieving the leasing agreement.
  • No entity or individual shall confiscate or detain any motor vehicle plate.
  • Whites believed that they had to confiscate black people's guns in order to reestablish white supremacy and prevent blacks from fighting back.
  • Such crude attempts as were made to prevent rates from being excessive concerned themselves with profits, and were designed to confiscate for the state treasury any earnings beyond a certain prescribed dividend.