conduct - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of conduct in Hindi
- आचरण
- आचार
- व्यवहार
- चाल-चलन
- प्रबंध
- संचालन
- चरित्र
- वर्तन
- आचार-व्यवहार
- आचरण करना
- नेतृत्व करना
- मार्ग दिखाना
conduct Definition
- the manner in which a person behaves, especially on a particular occasion or in a particular context.
- the action or manner of managing an activity or organization.
- organize and carry out.
- lead or guide (someone) to or around a particular place.
- transmit (a form of energy such as heat or electricity) by conduction.
- direct the performance of (a piece of music or a musical ensemble).
- behave in a specified way.
conduct Example
- traveling through the world under the conduct of chance ( संसार में संयोग से यात्रा करना )
- She sat down because the code of conduct about standing while guarding took second place to comfort. ( वह नीचे बैठ गई क्योंकि पहरेदारी करते समय आचार संहिता ने आराम करने के लिए दूसरा स्थान ले लिया। )
- Toscanini is coming to conduct ( टोस्कानिनी आचरण करने के लिए आ रहा है )
- Howie left for his apartment shortly after we'd agreed to conduct his proposed test. ( हॉवी ने अपने प्रस्तावित परीक्षण का संचालन करने के लिए सहमत होने के तुरंत बाद अपने अपार्टमेंट के लिए छोड़ दिया। )
More Sentence
- my first attempt to conduct a great work
- His conduct of affairs was by earnest efforts to promote education and to develop the resources of the country.
- members are bound by a code of conduct
- Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.
- There is nothing remotely close to criminal conduct in this case,
- Partially on the basis of such conduct, Britain banned Halcion.
- D'Amato was chided by commentators for his indecorous conduct.
- Piper said the airline would conduct its own inquiry as well.
- Under our charter we can also conduct investigations for the governor.
- They filled the House chamber to secretly conduct a mock session.
- It's difficult to see conduct in a sentence .
- The center is building an experimental laboratory to conduct environmental research.
- The Assembly cannot conduct other business until it elects a speaker.
- It asked its research arm to conduct studies on the findings.
- Foale will conduct a five-hour spacewalk on the flight.
- -- Make it easier for police to conduct warrantless searches.
- Krzyzewski appeared fit enough to conduct a final four news conference.
- Colin Davis conducts the London Symphony in these wonderfully poised readings.
- He dare not tell us his evil conduct.
- The prisoner was released early because of good conduct.
- Police will conduct random breath tests.
- Ethics deals with moral conduct.
- This is a conduct that beseems a gentleman.
- This conduct is more than I can digest.
- We accused him of immortal conduct toward her.
- Such conduct is unworthy of praise.
- We condemned him for his bad conduct.
- The victim's conduct had involved an element of provocation.
- Everyone was shocked by his unseemly conduct.
- His conduct disagrees with his words.
- his conduct of the campaign
- She was discharged from the police force for bad conduct.
- Never had such austerity been seen in my conduct before.
- If they break the codes of conduct, they are ritually.
- Randolph,) that it is a rule of conduct for ourselves.
- What followed was conduct of a far different character.
- Every morning we will meet and I will conduct a lesson.
- Yes, it may contain impurities and conduct electricity.
- So far all that we have been told is that the conduct.
- Even children should follow such principles of conduct.
- The father presides and another one is assign to conduct.
- On the other hand, in respect to his conduct I can—.
- Tom is suspended from school for a week for bad conduct.
- Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student cond
- all three brothers were known for their disorderly conduct