condone - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of condone in Hindi
- माफ करना
- मिलाप करना
- छोड़ देना
- ध्यान न देना
- जाने देना
condone Definition
- accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.
condone Example
- the college cannot condone any behavior that involves illicit drugs ( कॉलेज किसी भी व्यवहार को गलत नहीं कर सकता है जिसमें अवैध दवाएं शामिल हैं )
- The defendants said American Honda Motor Co . condoned their behavior. ( बचाव पक्ष ने कहा कि अमेरिकी होंडा मोटर कंपनी। उनके व्यवहार की निंदा की। )
- They say they uphold biblical principles and do not condone violence. ( वे कहते हैं कि वे बाइबिल के सिद्धांतों को कायम रखते हैं और हिंसा नहीं करते हैं। )
- He loved the friend of his childhood, but he could not condone his shameful conduct. ( वह अपने बचपन के दोस्त से प्यार करता था, लेकिन वह उसके शर्मनाक आचरण की निंदा नहीं कर सकता था। )
- A man who would condone the past, forget, or shut his eyes to it, and love her for herself. ( एक आदमी जो अतीत को निंदा करेगा, भूल जाएगा, या अपनी आँखें बंद कर देगा, और उसे अपने लिए प्यार करेगा। )
More Sentence
- For the man had but chastised us to our improvement; and to destroy the scourge is not to condone the offence.
- My husband is responsible for the statement that in nine cases out of ten women use this excuse to condone their own infidelity.
- But the heart of the people does not condone them: and if a great voice does not say this, we shall wonder and be sorry.
- I certainly do not condone illegality, but I strongly reject the idea of Mr Citizen becoming a dobber!
- "He's tolerating and condoning this,"
- We shouldn't condone assaults on juveniles there, either.
- The situation is appalling and would not be anything we condone.
- I think public opinion is that no one condones these places.
- He condoned and covered up numerous criminal acts by his lieutenants.
- The matter of the United Kingdom being engaged in a war which few of us condone far transcends the triviality of local affairs.
- "I certainly can't condone it ."
- Now he decides that standing for our anthem condones American oppression.
- It's difficult to see condone in a sentence .
- But I can't condone what he did ."
- What kind of sick society is it, in these refugee camps, that a mother could condone the suicide, at any age, of her son?
- If it was done on purpose, do I condone it?
- He has condoned, if not instigated, violent Palestinian protests.
- But what is harder to condone than the folly of youth is the sight of the game's senior figures acting like petulant, paranoid brats.
- The Wizards organization does not condone physical violence to settle disputes.
- "We don't condone what happened,"
- We take this seriously, and it will not be condoned.
- This was not a school agreed protest and we did not sanction this or condone it in any way.
- "We don't support it nor condone it.
- Far from denouncing these crimes, Washington too often condoned them.
- Islam does not condone it, does not approve of it.