condominium - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of condominium in Hindi

  • सम्मिलित
  • सहस्वामित्व
  • सहाधिकार
  • सहराज्य
  • सम्मिलित-अधिकार

condominium Definition


  • the joint control of a country's or territory's affairs by other countries.

condominium Example

  • Sudan was from 1899 an Anglo-Egyptian condominium ( सूडान 1899 से एक एंग्लो-मिस्री संघनक था )
  • Yule's brother discovered the condominium is in his father's name and asked Yule and his mother to shift out within one month. ( यूल के भाई ने पाया कि उसके पिता के नाम में कोंडोमिनियम है और उसने यूल और उसकी माँ को एक महीने के भीतर बाहर जाने के लिए कहा। )
  • After his reinstatement the AngloEgyptian condominium worked without serious friction. ( उनके पुनर्स्थापन के बाद एंग्लो इग्लिशियन कोंडोमिनियम ने गंभीर घर्षण के बिना काम किया। )
  • Can you imaging buying a presale condominium and not knowing when it will be completed? ( क्या आप एक प्रेजिडल कोंडोमिनियम खरीदने के लिए इमेजिंग कर रहे हैं और न जाने कब पूरा हो जाएगा? )

More Sentence

  • He and his wife are eager to buy a car: the new condominium has its own car-port.
  • In what follows the term Sudan is used to indicate the Anglo-Egyptian condominium only.
  • That would reduce the cost of mortgages for houses and condominiums.
  • The base of the mountain has a range of condominium complexes.
  • It also has 120 more rooms owned privately as condominium units.
  • The condominium owners have unkind words to say about them all.
  • However, a substantial number will be able to buy condominiums.
  • Mathews produced utility bills he said prove he has lived at the Linden Avenue condominium since early October.
  • One , leaders of all levels takes safe quality seriously to work to catch condominium together.
  • I wanted to do something that no one has done -- build a luxurious condominium.
  • This index case has also been linked to three of four SARS cases concentrated in the same block of a 247 - unit condominium in Toronto.
  • The limits of this condominium differ slightly from those of the Egyptian Sudan of the pre-Mandi period.
  • There is no proscription in Chinese laws and regulations concerning the legal status of condominium association.
  • It might be a maneuver to split the Alliance by playing up fears a US - Soviet condominium.
  • My condominium is called the American dream home, dream condominium.
  • A man swims in a pool inside a condominium in Singapore March 21, 2010.
  • The results of your search will likely include listings posted by real estate agencies, individual apartment and condominium owners, travel agents, and organizations that provide multiple apartment postings.
  • Condominium ownership was introduced in the U.S. in 1961 and has since been widely adopted.
  • I had sold my condominium about a month before that eventful phone call.
  • Condominium Ownership Certificate , Certificate for the Right of Land Usage.
  • The young couple wanted to buy the two-bedroom condominium, but they later realized they wanted to be in a stand-alone house without dealing with an association.  
  • The management company that supervised the condominium alerted the owners that they would be painting the outside of the entire complex.  
  • Kevin’s main problem with his purchase of the condominium was that living in an attached residence to his neighbors would result in more noise.  
  • Alto do Golfe is a luxurious private condominium comprising 16 villas with private gardens and also a communal garden and large swimming pool.
  • The allies would fear that they were pawns in a superpower condominium.