condiment - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of condiment in Hindi
- मसाला
- चटनी
- छौंक
- बघार
condiment Definition
- a substance such as salt or ketchup that is used to add flavor to food.
condiment Example
- But put an extra condiment into your dish, and it will poison you. ( लेकिन अपने पकवान में एक अतिरिक्त मसाला डालें, और यह आपको जहर देगा। )
- lasic's brand would complement Heinz's ketchup, sauces and condiment business well, analysts said. ( विश्लेषकों का कहना है कि लेज़िक का ब्रांड हेंज के केचप, सॉस और मसालों के कारोबार को अच्छी तरह से पूरक बना देगा। )
- Serve hot or cold as SAUCEa condiment to small game birds, pheasant, or meat dishes. ( छोटे खेल पक्षियों, तीतर, या मांस व्यंजन के लिए SAUCEa मसाला के रूप में गर्म या ठंडा परोसें। )
- It has long been a precious condiment. ( यह लंबे समय से एक कीमती मसाला है। )
More Sentence
- Condiment package Suitable:various condiment packaging, desiccant and deoxygenation agent.
- The usage of condiment in food is discussed.
- Cinnamon is principally employed in cookery as a condiment and flavouring material, being largely used in the preparation of some kinds of chocolate and liqueurs.
- The company mainly engaged in natural green condiment - sesame oil!
- Besides being a condiment on breakfast cereals, are there any other uses for berries?
- try its best to gather and build good sentences.
- By using the condiment produced By this factory, you could certainly make tasty dishes.
- This may have to embrace the lovely condiment bottles, kitchen will have an intangible attraction.
- Friendship is not only the condiment but also the anodyne of life.
- Fish sauce is a traditional fermented condiment in coastal areas.
- This is in contrast a condiment which is primarily a flavor added to another food item.
- Even the paper boat began to seem appetizing, glistening in his mind with left-over condiment and grease.
- It is used on salads and as a general condiment.
- Laristan is famous for the condiment called mahiabeh (fish-jelly), a compound of pounded small sprat-like fish, salt, mustard, nutmeg, cloves and other spices, used as a relish with nearly all foods.
- Gravy is the only condiment a chicken-fried steak needs.
- Add your favorite spicy mustard, chutney, or other condiment.
- We were still recovering from the collapse of a condiments shelf.
- Use your favorite bun along with your favorite condiments and enjoy.
- Straining the limits is condiment and nutrient both, like salt.
- She ends up with the condiment on her hair, however.
- The original creation had top-shelf ingredients and rich condiments.
- And about the only commercial condiment the French have is mustard.
- Then cut into wedges and serve with assorted condiments and toppers.
- Of him Edward Eggleston says: "A strange mixture of rashness, pious zeal, genial manners, hot temper, and harsh bigotry, his extravagances supply the condiment of humour to a very serious history - it is perhaps the principal debt posterity owes him."
- We need to learn to make these condiments for ourselves so that we can properly digest our food once again.
- If you can’t live without it, then consider cutting down on the condiments or additional additive s on top.
- The waitress interrupts my apology by appearing with our food over and we wait while she brings condiments and cutlery.
- You will see on the tables we have added some condiments to season up your own meal, and I left the stage and started to walk around.
- Will not the desire of eating, that is, of simple food and condiments, in so far as they are required for health and strength, be of the necessary class?
- After his appointment that same day, David makes his way to a department store where he wants to pick up some herbs and condiments on the food floor, then go up to look at the latest Lego kits.
- Condiments like relishes and pickles do more for us than simply adding a good taste to our foods; they add nutrients that our bodies need to break down and absorb cooked foods like steak and burgers.
- The other advantage of having a reasonable selection of culinary additives on hand is that, for longer trips, whatever meals you decide on, chances are you’ll have the miscellaneous condiments required.
- The sarcasm that had repelled, the harshness that had startled me once, were only like keen condiments in a choice dish: their presence was pungent, but their absence would be felt as comparatively insipid.
- I had gone to shop for food condiments from a local market but on my way back, I met a woman probably in her early thirties in company of her four little children, coming from opposite direction, probably on their way home.
- Now it seems that we are down to ketchup, pickle relish, salsa and steak sauce, and although they historically were fermented, today’s massed produced condiments rely on sugar and vinegar rather than lactic acid as a preservative.
- The economic importance of salt is further indicated by the almost universal prevalence in ancient and medieval times, and indeed in most countries down to the present day, of salt taxes or of government monopolies, which have not often been directed, as they were in ancient Rome, to enable every one to procure so necessary a condiment at a moderate price.