condenser - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of condenser in Hindi
- कंडेनसर
- संघनित्र
- कंडेन्सर
- संधारित्र
- संग्राही
condenser Definition
- an apparatus or container for condensing vapor.
- a lens or system of lenses for collecting and directing light.
- another term for capacitor.
condenser Example
- of a condenser produces an electric spark which under proper conditions creates an effect propagated out into space as an electric wave. ( एक संघनित्र एक विद्युत स्पार्क पैदा करता है जो उचित परिस्थितियों में एक प्रभाव पैदा करता है जो एक विद्युत तरंग के रूप में अंतरिक्ष में फैलता है। )
- The fore end tube plate of the condenser has cracked beyond repair. ( कंडेनसर के सामने के अंत ट्यूब प्लेट की मरम्मत से परे दरार हो गई है। )
- When Watt's master patent for his separate condenser expired in 1800, he retired from active work. ( जब वाट के मास्टर ने अपने अलग कंडेनसर के लिए 1800 में समाप्त कर दिया, तो वह सक्रिय कार्य से सेवानिवृत्त हो गया। )
- Electret microphones use a polarised condenser instead of a crystal. ( इलेक्ट्रेट माइक्रोफोन क्रिस्टल के बजाय ध्रुवीकृत कंडेनसर का उपयोग करते हैं। )
- A water condenser was fitted to the front of the radiator, an extra fuel tank was added and the suspension strengthened. ( रेडिएटर के सामने एक पानी का कंडेनसर लगाया गया था, एक अतिरिक्त ईंधन टैंक जोड़ा गया और निलंबन मजबूत हो गया। )
More Sentence
- Condenser coils are the tubes under or behind the refrigerator that carry coolant to the refrigeration unit.
- Restricted refrigerant flow through the condenser.
- The antenna wire, connected to one spark ball of the induction coil, must be considered to form with the earth, connected to the other spark ball, a condenser.
- Where the ostrich’s main body would be, there was an engine, burner, condenser and other parts.
- The condenser shell is mounted horizontally and pitched toward its round end, with the distillate.
- Watt soon added the airpump to the condenser, to extract the air extricated from the water in boiling, together with the water injected.
- There’s a training session this afternoon rehearsing the operating parameters of the new condenser on the SL-one (Stationary Low Power Reactor), fairly simple material, really.
- In any case the antenna serves as one surface of a condenser, the other surface of which is the earth.
- To amplify his instrument, Burke uses an MBC-603 condenser microphone on a stand.
- Their best-known products are condenser microphones for broadcast, live and music production purposes.
- In general, condenser microphones should be selected rather than dynamic microphones.
- On stage he mixes the pickup-signal with the input of a good condenser microphone.
- This is similar to the phantom power technique commonly used for powering condenser microphones.
- In this case a closed condenser circuit is formed with a battery of Leyden jars, an inductance coil and a spark gap, and oscillations are excited in it by discharges created across the spark gap by an induction coil or transformer.
- The output of the condenser microphone is.
- The condenser is constructed of type 316L stainless steel.
- Maybe it’s wax dripping from the condenser or charcoal built up on a resistor.
- The tube side of the condenser is ASME Code stamped per Section VIII, Division 1, for Unfired.
- In many cases additional condensers or inductance coils are inserted in various places so that the arrangement is somewhat disguised, but by far the larger part of the electric wave wireless telegraphy in 1907 was effected by transmitters having antennae either inductively or directly coupled to a closed condenser circuit containing a spark gap.