communal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of communal in Hindi

  • सांप्रदायिक
  • सार्वजनिक
  • पंचायती
  • सामुदायिक
  • जातीय
  • जातिगत

communal Definition


  • shared by all members of a community; for common use.
  • (of conflict) between different communities, especially those having different religions or ethnic origins.

communal Example

  • violent communal riots ( हिंसक सांप्रदायिक दंगे )
  • Thus collectivism has historical roots in religious or intellectual ideals, and in communal social practices. ( इस प्रकार सामूहिकता की धार्मिक या बौद्धिक आदर्शों और सांप्रदायिक सामाजिक प्रथाओं में ऐतिहासिक जड़ें हैं। )
  • Java Joe and his friend Bic chopped up potatoes and began frying them with onions and garlic in a communal kitchen. ( जावा जो और उनके दोस्त बीक ने आलू काट लिए और उन्हें सांप्रदायिक रसोई में प्याज और लहसुन के साथ भूनना शुरू कर दिया। )
  • There were efforts to democratize school management structures, encouraged by the establishment of communal villages and co-operatives. ( सांप्रदायिक गांवों और सहकारी समितियों की स्थापना द्वारा प्रोत्साहित किए गए, स्कूल प्रबंधन संरचनाओं का लोकतंत्रीकरण करने के प्रयास किए गए थे। )

More Sentence

  • The existing caravans, and particularly the new brick and stone built communal facilities already obtrude unacceptably into the landscape.
  • Lunchtimes at the Victoria Centre are intended to be a communal affair but at the Delphi Centre they are strikingly different.
  • This is because of their legitimate keenness to stress the presence of a communal principle in the history of mankind.
  • If at all possible, it's wise to discuss attitudes to communal living before jointly moving in.
  • At first, social organization is limited to the family, it is therefore dominated by kinship, and property is communal.
  • communal achievement
  • a communal bathroom and kitchen
  • The system of municipal and communal government remains practically unchanged.
  • Credit Communal is active in Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Singapore.
  • Jewish communal existence has essentially ended in most of Eastern Europe.
  • As to the future, Russia is traditionally a communal country.
  • Romans has a tribunal of commerce and a communal college.
  • It's difficult to see communal in a sentence .
  • The member countries and communal agencies are also bound to it.
  • And their reasons for fasting are sometimes more personal than communal.
  • All their political models come from communal rather than national arrangements.
  • the two are spoken of as "brothers" with a communal assembly.
  • More and more communal dining halls are being turned into restaurants.
  • Prodigy used to censor messages posted on the communal bulletin boards.
  • When he had finished we had a communal cry and then.
  • Simon’s evenings were spent around the communal fire.
  • He tore off some bread from one of the communal loaves.
  • It sounded like a gas explosion in the communal kitchen.
  • We’re too independent to be communal as God is communal.
  • Females live together in communal groups with their young.
  • This notion of collective innovation and communal software.
  • Emerging from their communal cellar, they seemed angry and frightened
  • of the communal library, the cathedral and the church of S.
  • The synagogue had become a firmly established institution, and the personal and social life of the masses had come under the control of communal law.
  • It was a communal experience, as everyone was served the same courses at the same time, and it felt more like a party than a meal.  
  • communal living.
  • A lot of people now don't bother going down to the communal area, when before it used to be a hive of life.  
  • Natural calamities were handled with competence, communal peace was ensured and law and order was maintained with a firm hand.