commend - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of commend in Hindi
- सराहना
- सराहना करना
- सौंपना
- प्रशंसा करना
- रक्षार्य सोंपना
- सिफ़ारिश करना
- अनुशंसा करना
commend Definition
- praise formally or officially.
- present as suitable for approval or acceptance; recommend.
- entrust someone or something to.
commend Example
- this recording has a lot to commend it ( इस रिकॉर्डिंग में इसकी प्रशंसा करने के लिए बहुत कुछ है )
- Let no one suppose for an instant that the self-education I am about to commend, in respect of the things of this life, extends to any considerations of the hope set before us, as if man by reasoning could find out God. ( किसी को भी इस बात का आभास न होने दें कि मैं जिस आत्म-शिक्षा की प्रशंसा करने वाला हूं, वह इस जीवन की चीजों के संबंध में है, हमारे सामने निर्धारित आशा के किसी भी विचार तक फैली हुई है, जैसे कि तर्क से मनुष्य ईश्वर का पता लगा सकता है। )
- I commend the girls for doing what they feel like doing. ( मैं लड़कियों को वैसा करने के लिए सराहना करता हूं, जो उन्हें ऐसा करने का मन करता है। )
- "We certainly commend them, " she said. ( "हम निश्चित रूप से उनकी सराहना करते हैं," उसने कहा। )
More Sentence
- I would like to commend the good progress of the government,
- "I commend the commission for it's action.
- I commend the students who acted swiftly to apprehend the suspect,
- This was a cheery collection, with much to commend it.
- The reference is to the earthenware token which two friends broke in order that they might commend a stranger for hospitality by sending with him the broken half.
- Farewell, Julia Child, I commend you to the place of happy memories for my generation, Rest In Peace.
- The work, which is thus a pragmatical chronicle of the calamities that have happened to mankind from the fall down to the Gothic period, has little accuracy or learning, and even less of literary charm to commend it; but it was the first attempt to write the history of the world as a history of God guiding humanity.
- However, I think she holds her own well, and I commend her for taking a role in such a challenging film.
- As a novel Valentine has little to commend it; the plot is feeble and the characters shadowy.
- He had to commend the.
- I commend you for that.
- My dear child, commend Dr.
- Wesley and Whitefield were accustomed to commend them to their followers.
- I commend them to your care
- Experienced English irrigators generally commend as suitable for water-meadows those streams in which fish and waterweeds abound.
- I have to commend them for their enthusiasm and their response,
- This is the correct decision, and we commend the mayor,
- We must commend a sense of national grief at the moment,
- From a nutritional standpoint, nutria has much to commend it.
- Blair went on to commend Hillary Rodham Clinton for her fortitude.
- Stern did commend the arbitrator for not allowing that to happen.
- It's difficult to see commend in a sentence .
- "Whatever, you've got to commend him.
- I commend the way my kids are playing their butts off,
- Its basis is the classification of Cuvier, the modifications of which by Des Murs will seldom commend themselves to systematists whose opinion is generally deemed worth having.
- I commend her to you without reservation