come apart - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of come apart in Hindi
- टूट जाना
come apart Definition
come apart Example
- After the first act, the play begins to come apart at the seams . ( पहले अधिनियम के बाद, नाटक सीम पर अलग से आना शुरू होता है। )
- The leisurewear industry would come apart at the seams, literally, without this indispensable fastening. ( इत्मीनान से बन्धन के बिना इत्मीनान उद्योग तेजी से अलग होगा। )
- That was a time when it could all have come apart. ( वह एक ऐसा समय था जब यह सब अलग हो सकता था। )
- Here he shows that same sly flair for coming apart at the seams. ( यहाँ वह दिखाता है कि वही धूर्त सीढ़ियों पर अलग-अलग आने के लिए। )
More Sentence
- In fact, the plastic or cloth covering can come apart, exposing the foam padding.
- After the first act, the play begins to come apart at the seams .
- The leisurewear industry would come apart at the seams, literally, without this indispensable fastening.
- In fact, the plastic or cloth covering can come apart, exposing the foam padding.
- Airplanes may come apart in flight.
- Will we all come together,[ ] or come apart?
- If you sit on that chair it will come apart!
- Alan Parrish: Stop giving me things that come apart.
- To open and suddenly come apart from internal pressure.
- Before the decision was made, the team was kind of coming apart,
- Remove carefully from the water so the onions do not come apart.
- Football players come apart at the knees and concuss in appalling numbers.
- Not many people are thinking about when this may all come apart.
- Are these neighborhoods going to come apart even more than they have?
- We took note that the ( parliamentary ) majority has come apart,
- Protests will mushroom and the nation could come apart at the seams.
- Once the long tail of uncertainty starts wagging, stocks can come apart.
- Airplanes may come apart in flight.
- Will we all come together,[ ] or come apart?
- Alan Parrish: Stop giving me things that come apart.
- To open and suddenly come apart from internal pressure.
- Once the long tail of uncertainty starts wagging, stocks can come apart.
- It's difficult to see come apart in a sentence .
- I thought it was the mark of a team that was coming apart.
- The community is not coming apart, but the edges are fraying.
- We see our families and our communities all over this country coming apart.
- Tires inflated to low pressure can overheat and come apart at high speeds.
- There can be no doubt that the republic is coming apart,
- They will not withstand prolonged road use and will come apart.
- The country that Marshal Tito had held together was coming apart.
- The potential for this whole operation coming apart is growing by the day.
- The wheel has come apart again.
- Two corners of the large tray can come apart.
- All his nerves seemed to have come apart.
- If you sit on that chair it will come apart!