come along - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of come along in Hindi
- साथ आओ
- साथ-साथ चले जाना
- ज़ल्दी करना
come along Definition
- arrive.
- make progress; develop.
come along Example
- Do you want me to come along? ( क्या आप चाहते हैं कि मैं साथ आऊं? )
- We have a really good time and hope many other children come along and enjoy Sunbeams too ! ( हमारे पास वास्तव में अच्छा समय है और आशा है कि कई अन्य बच्चे भी साथ आएंगे और सनबीम्स का भी आनंद लेंगे! )
- His ailing arm is coming along faster than expected . .. ( उनका बीमार हाथ उम्मीद से कहीं ज्यादा तेजी से आगे आ रहा है। ।। )
- They argued that Bush had just come along for the ride. ( उन्होंने तर्क दिया कि बुश सिर्फ सवारी के लिए आए थे। )
More Sentence
- They come along and put in what you would term inferior equipment and charge extortionate prices for it.
- Hopefully it will take in a lot of money and someone else will come along and do the next one tons better.
- Eventually a guy will come along who may possibly break it,
- But if another good script were to come along . ..
- So I invited her to come along on Friday after school.
- That could encourage them to attack those who come along later.
- Ask a friend to come along if you want a witness.
- Her 5 month old niece Erin will be next to come along!
- But wait for a few days until something else comes along.
- When something like this comes along you want to show support.
- Whether the criticism comes along with it remains to be seen.
- We should be grateful for any job opportunity that comes along.
- But interesting and important new work is coming along every day.
- For no corporation to come along and help is a travesty.
- Neither society, however, saw fit to appoint road safety officers; these would come along much later in history.
- Then someone could come along and say they own New York.
- A car like the Prowler comes along once every 10 years,
- Maybe a deer like old Big Boy will come along again.
- Plus, come along to pick up your one off promotional pack.
- I wish you'd let me come along with you.
- Maybe someone would come along and make him forget about the things he thought a woman should be.
- I volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along.