collide - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of collide in Hindi

  • टकराती
  • टकराना
  • भिड़ना
  • परस्पर-विरोधी होना
  • टक्कर खाना
  • भिड़ जाना

collide Definition


  • hit with force when moving.

collide Example

  • in his work, politics and metaphysics collide ( उनके काम में, राजनीति और तत्वमीमांसा टकराती है )
  • One headed for her, and she turned to run, only to collide with a large figure at her back. ( एक ने उसके लिए नेतृत्व किया, और वह दौड़ने के लिए मुड़ गई, केवल उसकी पीठ पर एक बड़ी आकृति से टकराने के लिए। )
  • Business realities will almost certainly collide with such sentiments. ( व्यावसायिक वास्तविकताएं निश्चित रूप से ऐसी भावनाओं से टकराएंगी। )
  • Two taxis collide in Kilmarnock. 37 injured. ( किलमारनॉक में दो टैक्सियाँ टकराती हैं। 37 घायल। )

More Sentence

  • He and Carter were doomed to collide head-on.
  • What was happening, and why did the super-powers collide just here and just now?
  • Where two continents collide neither experiences significant subduction but some crustal thickening occurs and a mountain belt is formed.
  • This was suspected because when the particles collide they emit radio signals.
  • They can collide head-on with what we believe to be right.
  • Blunt changed course just enough to collide with Peacock head-on.
  • The chorus of the song goes on like this I close my eyes/And try to hide/But wait when these dreams collide.
  • The most likely fate is to collide with one of the terrestrial planets.
  • I wanted all those wonderful colors to collide in ways that could blow your voice box right off.
  • Some playing positions are prone to collide with a Floyd's fine tuning system and this one seems to be especially sensitive.
  • When the highly energized particles collide with atmospheric gases.
  • It also provides coverage when members collide with an object other than another vehicle.
  • The two co-exist as memories of their cultures, with a healthy clash where the two collide in the entrance foyer.
  • Investigations are continuing to discover how the two cars came to collide at the Great Stainton crossroads on the narrow road.
  • The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected.
  • Duos sometimes play just as a pair and sometimes have backing bands, but two heads are better than one when complementary musical visions collide.
  • Tornadoes usually form when rising warm, moist air rotates, as winds from opposite directions collide.
  • When the particles plunge they collide with other.
  • In this step, two protons collide, and then one of.
  • Such a thing can cause huge mischief, when these contradictory streams collide.  
  • The drifting objects began to collide with each other.
  • He hoped there was nothing behind him to collide with.
  • We collide, and the hot stuff comes spilling over the.
  • The catalysts cause atoms to collide and release energy.
  • The comet does not collide with the Sun and the Moon is not.
  • They were politely kind to each other, as people always are whose ambitions temporary collide in public.
  • When the plates of land that form the earth collide or slide past each other, earthquakes result.
  • All of the Amor asteroids cross the orbit of Mars and could collide with it.
  • collide with the earth.