cold-blooded - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cold-blooded in Hindi

  • निर्दयी
  • दिलजमा
  • शांतचित्त
  • धीर
  • शीतरक्तक
  • उदासीन व्यक्ति

cold-blooded Definition


  • denoting animals whose body temperature varies with that of the environment (e.g. fish); poikilothermic.
  • without emotion or pity; deliberately cruel or callous.

cold-blooded Example

  • He didn't get the part because producers didn't think he could be taken seriously as a cold-blooded killer. ( उन्हें हिस्सा नहीं मिला क्योंकि उत्पादकों को नहीं लगता था कि उन्हें कोल्ड-ब्लडेड किलर के रूप में गंभीरता से लिया जा सकता है। )
  • Such a cold-blooded and barbaric punishment degrades everyone involved in the murder.  ( इस तरह के ठंडे खून वाले और बर्बर दंड हत्या में शामिल सभी लोगों को नीचा दिखाते हैं। )
  • I like him tremendously, in spite of his cold-blooded confession, and past record.  ( मैं उसे बहुत पसंद करता हूं, उसके ठंडे खून वाले बयान और पिछले रिकॉर्ड के बावजूद। )
  • Sunny areas: Butterflies are cold-blooded so they need the sun's warmth to remain active. ( सनी क्षेत्र: तितलियों को ठंडे खून वाले होते हैं इसलिए उन्हें सक्रिय रहने के लिए सूरज की गर्मी की आवश्यकता होती है। )

More Sentence

  • This was indicative of his cold-blooded and hard-hearted attitude towards Africans.  
  • One species of bacterium sickens cattle, for example, while another attacks frogs, fishes, and other cold-blooded animals.  
  • While most mammals and birds show signs of REM sleep, reptiles and other cold-blooded animals do not.  
  • It is perhaps the worst crime, because the most cold-blooded and ungenerous, which can be laid to his charge.
  • A few days later, it was carried out with cold blooded determination.
  • As Stu said, cold blooded animals are often warmer than their environment.
  • Common Law would refer to this quality as " cold blooded ".
  • Palaemon affinis are a cold blooded shrimp species found in New Zealand.
  • Together they try to tackle cold blooded murders, kidnaps and sexual crimes.
  • Cold blooded animals such as turtles are particularly vulnerable as are their hatchlings.
  • "Cold Blooded " was an official selection at Fantastic Fest and Fantasy Filmfest.
  • WHO COULD ever begin to forget the cold-blooded murder of a loved one? I couldn’t.
  • This unexpected utterance astounded the Capataz by its character of cold-blooded atrocity.
  • I have heard he is brutal, slays men indiscriminately and is a cold-blooded savage—.
  • He’s a cold-blooded killer who’s been cooped up in a captain’s job for the last year.
  • Nolan was only thirty-seven years old, and his life was cut short by a cold-blooded sociopath.
  • That is the difference between the cold-blooded hate of reptiles and the caring love of humans.
  • The cold-blooded Heroic Age solider lived in complete harmony with the inquisitive modern scholar.
  • I said, Yesterday you told me you had heard Arthur here was brutal, a savage cold-blooded killer.
  • What’s with you two? The guy was a lying, drug-dealing piece of scum, and a cold-blooded killer.
  • The state police and the FBI have been added to the „manhunt to capture both cold-blooded killers.
  • It represented thousands of years of civilized snake-convulsions of seething cold-blooded rage and hate.
  • COLD BLOODED, by Lisa Jackson . ( Zebra, $ 6.99 . ) A
  • I was struck by the joy of these pilots in committing cold blooded murder,
  • Cold-blooded animals, such as reptiles and batrachians, thrive best in an equable temperature, and, especially in the case of snakes, frequently can be induced to feed only when their temperature has been raised to a certain point.
  • They are parasites of fish and other cold blooded vertebrates.
  • Are you ready to be a cold-blooded murderer also, or can we do anything to stop it?
  • The " carrier " of a Trypanosome of warmblooded vertebrates is, in all instances so far described, an insect, generally a member of the Diptera; in the case of parasites of cold-blooded vertebrates the same role is usually played by an ichthyobdellid leech (piscine forms), but possibly, now and again, by an Ixodes (amphibian or reptilian forms).
  • dangerous, and it may be true that the pessimism it implies often degenerates into cynicism and a cold-blooded denial that there is any virtue and any truth.
  • They're violent, cold-blooded killers who are trying to stop the advance of freedom.