coastal - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of coastal in Hindi
- तटीय
- तटवर्ती
- किनारे पर का
- तटस्थ
- तटदेश का
- तट पर का
- तट का
coastal Definition
- of or near a coast.
coastal Example
- coastal waters. ( तटीय जल। )
- The coastal zone is low, well-wooded and fertile. ( तटीय क्षेत्र कम, अच्छी तरह से जंगली और उपजाऊ है। )
- Jessi froze, not completely connecting with the fact she stood in a place unlike the coastal southern California area. ( जेसी फ्रॉज़, इस तथ्य से पूरी तरह से जुड़ना नहीं कि वह तटीय दक्षिणी कैलिफोर्निया क्षेत्र के विपरीत एक जगह पर खड़ी थी। )
- Adjacent to Grimsby on the east is the coastal watering-place of Cleethorpes. ( पूर्व में ग्रिम्सबी से सटे, क्लेथॉर्पेस का तटीय जल-स्थान है। )
- A small disturbance west of Oregon will produce some coastal clouds. ( ओरेगन के पश्चिम की एक छोटी सी अशांति कुछ तटीय बादलों का उत्पादन करेगी। )
- A cold front entering the Pacific Northwest will sponsor coastal showers. ( प्रशांत नॉर्थवेस्ट में प्रवेश करने वाला एक ठंडा मोर्चा तटीय शो को प्रायोजित करेगा। )
- These windows are good in coastal areas because they resist corrosion. ( ये खिड़कियां तटीय क्षेत्रों में अच्छी हैं क्योंकि वे जंग का विरोध करती हैं। )
More Sentence
- Shares in Coastal Caribbean were unchanged at 1 5 / 8.
- Tejas's pipeline system also stretches into Texas coastal waters.
- The second and marine type of the Jurassics occurs in Western Australia, on the coastal plain skirting the western foot of the western plateau.
- shore, leaving various flanking spurs and foothills, and a coastal plain which at its greatest breadth on the S.
- A further gentle rise in the high steppes leads to the mountains of the West Australian coast, and another strip of low-lying coastal land to the sea.
- Here, a seasonal contrast in coastal restaurant habits is vivid.
- Snow and some coastal rain will spread over the region Friday.
- Some of the thunderstorms could subsequently drift westward over coastal regions.
- However, coastal fog will begin the day in southern California.
- They are also banking that Coastal's holdings pay off.
- The ratio between these two coast-lines represents the " coastal development " of any region.
- I had success with Coastal Energy, which I bought at 430.
- The Makassar Coastal Festival takes place on Buton Island.
- Today, submerged buildings have been found in the coastal.
- Had a body dump been part of the Chandler coastal cruise?
- The A171 to Whitby was a beautiful stretch of coastal road.
- Fog will be limited to a few coastal valleys in California.
- It's difficult to see coastal in a sentence .