closed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of closed in Hindi
- बंद किया हुआ
- बंद
- बंद है
- बन्द है
- अवस्र्द्ध
- झांपा हुआ
- मुंहबंद
- सुप्त
- संवृत
- सामाप्ति
closed Definition
- not open.
closed Example
- She closed her eyes and prayed fervently. ( उसने अपनी आँखें बंद कर लीं और जमकर प्रार्थना की। )
- He closed his eyes and remained silent a long time. ( उसने अपनी आँखें बंद कर लीं और बहुत देर तक चुप रहा। )
- I crept cautiously forward until I encountered a closed door, leading, I presumed, to the main house. ( जब तक मैं एक बंद दरवाजे का सामना नहीं करता, तब तक मैं सावधानी से आगे बढ़ता रहा, जिससे मैंने मुख्य घर की ओर रुख किया। )
- He closed the door and walked around to the other side. ( उसने दरवाजा बंद किया और दूसरी तरफ घूम गया। )
- He closed the door and they walked several yards down the hall before he spoke. ( उसने दरवाजा बंद कर दिया और वे बोलने से पहले हॉल से कई गज नीचे चले गए। )
More Sentence
- I closed my eyes and tried to think clearly.
- I closed my eyes against the bright light.
- The store will be closed for an indefinite period.
- Sounds of cheering filtered in through the close
- Store fronts interspersed with vacant lots lined one side of the street while the other remained absent of any buildings except a closed gas station and a dollar store.
- In 1980, Iran closed the universities.
- The museum is closed on Mondays.
- Howie and I entered the room and closed the door.
- The museum was closed for renovation.
- And there in the coffin was the same face, though with closed eyes.