chimney - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of chimney in Hindi
- चिमनी
- ज्वालामुखी पर्वत का मुंह
- धुआँकश
- धुआँदान
chimney Definition
- a vertical channel or pipe that conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building. ( एक ऊर्ध्वाधर चैनल या पाइप जो एक आग या भट्ठी से और आमतौर पर एक इमारत की छत के माध्यम से धुआं और दहन गैसों का संचालन करता है। )
chimney Example
- Afterwards we'd lie naked on the shadowy porch drinking beer and watching moths batter themselves against the lamp's chimney . ( बाद में हम छायादार पोर्च पर बीयर पीते और नंगे पांव दीपक की चिमनी के खिलाफ नंगे लेटे रहते। )
- Sadly, I don't have photos of the chimney we climbed in the Red Banks. ( अफसोस की बात यह है कि मेरे पास उस चिमनी की तस्वीरें नहीं हैं जिस पर हम रेड बैंक में चढ़े थे। )
- An offwidth is a crack which is too wide to use as a finger, hand or fist jam but too narrow to get right inside and climb as a chimney . ( एक आफसेट एक दरार है जो उंगली, हाथ या मुट्ठी जाम के रूप में उपयोग करने के लिए बहुत चौड़ी है लेकिन बहुत अंदर तक सही है और चिमनी के रूप में चढ़ती है। )
- he slid fifty feet down a chimney, and became wedged there ( वह चिमनी से पचास फीट नीचे फिसल गया, और वहीं गिर गया )
More Sentence
- This was followed by a level stretch of grassy scree which leads to the crux, a steep shallow chimney , well marked by crampon scratches.
- Above the chimney lies the Black Pyramid, a triangle of notoriously unstable slabs of ice and rock at about 24,500 feet.
- Hiring an inspector at the end of the project is not in itself a bad idea since you are unlikely to crawl around the roof and discover there's no chimney flashing.
- After a short crawl and a climb down a narrow chimney , South Chamber is reached.
- The improved draft system, utilizing a glass chimney , yielded a brighter light that burned more cleanly.
- Crawl through then traverse around the corner and along the small ledge to belay in the corner beneath the chimney .
- It was cool and dark there, and on a low table by the bed there was already a kerosene lamp burning dully through its dirty chimney .
- The flame in the chimney flickered barely, just breathing its existence into the room, then disappeared again.
- This chimney was the only possible path available for us to take, unless we were to back track and find a different route, and in the process lose our last rays of sunlight.
- After getting the dust off the glass she lit the wide wick and replaced the chimney .
- a factory chimney
- I'd copied Max's Coleman, improving on the Sathe design by putting a pale glass bulb and chimney around a hollow wick.
- Climb the obvious chimney / groove near the left hand end of the crag, stepping left at the top to finish up the steep wall above on excellent holds.
- It has the appearance of a permanent dwelling with a pitched roof and chimney .
- The chimney pushes through the steep roofline and splits in two.
- a coal fire thrust yellow flames up the chimney
- The last pitch is a memorable chimney with a thorny bush that you have to climb through.
- The outside of the house appeared to be a small cottage with a thatched roof and chimney .
- I want to take down an old, small chimney that is on the roof, and runs down between the living room and the kitchen.
- Integral to this burner assembly is a cylindrical glass chimney , which is placed over the burner to induce two constant upward drafts.
- Let's say the item being offered is a nice old oil lamp with an unblemished glass chimney and a base with some decoration that is in good shape.
- It is the Defendants' case that the Zyklon-B pellets were fed into the chamber by means of wire mesh column which ran upwards through the roof of the chamber with the chimney protruding above roof level.
- It looked impossible to step onto the chimney directly above, as it was undercut at its base, and the surface was smooth, with no holds to be seen.
- She whirled around as rocks fell from the chimney .
- If the house is fairly tight, the simplest route for makeup air to enter the structure is often the unused fireplace chimney .
- Oh. It's just that I'm learning how to renovate the roof and chimney on the next house and it's thirsty going.